Romano-Germanic Languages department

Romano-Germanic Languages department

    Since the establishment of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy in 1992, the department of Romano-Germanic Languages has functioned based on the departments of the German Language, the French Language, and the World Languages. According to the decision of the UWED Academic Council dated October 25, 2008, based on the merger of 3 departments, the department "Romano-Germanic languages" was created.

    Currently, the following disciplines are taught in the department:
    1. French (as the main and second foreign language);
    2. German (as the main and second foreign language);
    3. Spanish (as a second foreign language);
    4. Italian (as a second foreign language);
    5. Turkish (as a second foreign language).

    To achieve the set goals and teach these languages, the department uses advanced methods and modern technologies for teaching a foreign language. With the effective use of new pedagogical technologies, theoretical and practical classes for students are held in the form of pieces of training, debates, and round tables.

    University students studying these languages successfully participate in republican student competitions, competitions organized by various foreign representative offices, and win prizes. Many of them have been awarded state scholarships.

    Currently, the department has 12 full-time teachers. Among them, 1 candidate of philological sciences, 5 senior teachers, and 6 teachers. The teachers of the department have rich experience and regularly improve their skills in Uzbekistan and abroad.
    The teaching staff of the department published about 50 educational and teaching aids. Since September 2019, the department has been headed by the candidate of philological sciences Mamatkasimova V.A.

    In addition to educational and methodological work, various scientific, methodological, and creative events are held at the department: seminars, essay competitions, and theatrical performances in foreign languages, days of the countries of the studied languages. All these activities are aimed at achieving the main goal of education - the development of students' communicative competence.

    The teaching of foreign languages at the university has two main features: a general foreign language and a specialty language. The language of the specialty is language professionalization, that is, familiarization with special terminology, business correspondence, and, of course, translation.

    Programs for teaching the language of the specialty are coordinated with the curricula of the main subjects using interactive teaching methods, such as round tables in foreign languages, competitions, and student conferences.