Media Relations and Publishing Department

Media Relations and Publishing Department

    Media Relations and Publishing Department

    The Media Relations and Publishing Department was founded in 2023 with the objective of extensively covering activities of the UWED in the media, as well as manage print ing and publishing operations.
    Department functions:

    • Establishing contacts with domestic and foreign media, promptly informing them about the most important events taking place within the walls of the UWED, assisting them in preparing materials;
    • Conducting editorial and publishing activities on the basis of the UWED charter and existing laws.
    • Printing on the basis of the UWED mini-printing house, prepared by the faculties, departments of the UWED, educational and methodological and scientific councils, as well as in cooperation with other educational institutions of textbooks, teaching aids, educational and methodological and other materials;
    • Polygraph and printing of the theoretical science journal "International Relations: Politics, Economics, Law".

    Head of the department is B.M.Hasanov