Academic Lyceum
Academic lyceum at the University of world economy and diplomacy
1. Establishment of the AL.
The Academic Lyceum was established in 1999. The Charter of Academic lyceum was approved by the Centre of secondary special and professional education on September 10, 1999 and registered by the Municipality of Mirzo Ulugbek district of Tashkent (№2070) on October 10, 1998. In the Lyceum 93 teachers work on a core staff, 9 teachers are involved in the teaching process as a part-time teachers. Six teachers with Ph.D degree teach in the academic lyceum.
2. Fields of education
In the Academic lyceum, students gain knowledge in the following areas: exact sciences.
The exact sciences direction
This area enrolls students, interested in mathematics, computer science, English and native languages. After the graduation, the graduates can enroll in higher education institutions in the following areas: international economic relations, regional studies, geography, foreign economic relations, economics, statistics, IT in economics, finance, credit, educator-economist, management, insurance business.
3. Clubs
In the Lyceum are acting 40 circles and study groups. Among them the general science circles – 36, the sport sections – 3 and “Orasta qizlar” (“The Neat Girls”) circle. The circles embrace 73.8% of pupils of the total.
There have been set up study groups on 36 subjects, which are visited by 60% of all students.
4. Achievements
Nowadays 1303 students in the Lyceum. According to the State Testing Center (DTM) the knowledge level of the graduates of the Lyceum on the university entrance results is one of the highest in the country.
The Graduates of the Lyceum study in the most prestigious universities of the republic: the University of World Economy and Diplomacy, the Tashkent State University of Economics, the Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies, the Uzbekistan State University of World Languages, the National University of Uzbekistan named after Ulugbek, the Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami, Westminster International University in Tashkent, affiliate of the Gubkin Russian State Oil and Gas University in Tashkent, the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, the Management Development Institute of Singapore in Tashkent and other higher educational institutions of higher education.
The entrance to the universities of the graduates is monitored. In 2016 academic year, 65% of graduates of the Lyceum became students of different universities.
5. International relations and competitions
Nowadays the Academic Lyceum has a close relationship with the Goethe-Institute (Germany). The Lyceum has been cooperating with this institute since 2008 on the "1000 schools cooperation Program". In the Lyceum the students along with English and French are learning German. Therefore, since 2009 the Goethe-Institute holds qualifying essay competitions among the students.