Advisory board
Provisions on the Advisory Board of the UWED (2022)
Provisions on the Advisory Board of the UWED (2024)
Approved by the order BR-46 of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan
on October 22, 2024
Advisory Board of
the University of World Economy and Diplomacy
№ |
Name |
Position |
1. |
Saidov Bakhtiyor Odilovich |
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Chairman of the Advisory Board |
2. |
Safoyev Sodiq Solixovich |
First Deputy Chairman of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Rector of the UWED, Deputy Chairman of the Advisory Board |
3. |
Umarov Akram Azamatovich |
First Vice-rector for Academic Affairs of the UWED |
4. |
Sultonov Ravshanjon Tolipovich |
Head of the Department of Human Resources and Educational Institutions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan |
5. |
Vakhobov Javlon Abdujalolovich |
Director of the International Institute for Central Asia |
6. |
Bekmuradov Bobur Mansurovich |
Chairman of the National Movement “Yuksalish” |
7. |
Fozilov Akromjon Murodjon o'g'li |
Chairman of the Board of Trustees at the Public Foundation for Support and Development of National Mass Media |
8. |
Feeney (Abdullayeva) Nafisa Nigmatullayevna |
Head of Legal, Chief Compliance Officer, and MLRO at Paynt Limited (UK) |
9. |
Aripjanov Umid Anvarjonovich |
Partner at CENTIL Law Firm |
10. |
Rasulov Akbar |
Professor of International Law at the University of Glasgow (UK) |
11. |
Abidkhadjayev Umid Kutpitdinovich |
Director of the Institute for Macroeconomics and Regional Studies |
12. |
Isakov Odilbek Rustamovich |
CEO of Infrasia Capital Ltd (UK) |
13. |
Dadabayev Timur Yunusovich |
Professor of the University of Tsukuba (Japan) |
14. |
Tashmukhamedova Diloram Gafurdjanovna |
Deputy Chairwoman of the Youth, Culture and Sports Committee of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan |
15. |
Khudaykulov Adkham Yusupovich |
Director of the "Educational Projects Center" project office |
16. |
Khaydarov Abdusamat Akhatovich |
Director of the Diplomatic Academy of the UWED |
17. |
Ismailova Gulnoza Saydiganikhodjayevna |
Vice-rector for Science and Innovation, Secretary of the Advisory Board |
Note: In case that the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Advisory Board are transferred to another job, the newly appointed persons on those positions will continue the leadership duties of the Board. The remaining members of the Advisory Board will be allowed to continue their membership if they move to another job and upon the approval of the Advisory Board.