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The University of World Economy and Diplomacy

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Autumn semester for undergraduate


Master's degree

A one-year master's program


"Smart University"

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Bachelorʼs Degree

Bachelorʼs Degree

The University of World Economy and Diplomacy offers undergraduate programs in a variety of fields, including: International Relations,  Political Science, International Economics and Management Jurisprudence. UWED's bachelor's degree programs are designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in a globalized world. The programs are taught by a team of experienced faculty members, many of whom have held high-level positions in government and business. UWED also offers a variety of extracurricular activities and opportunities for students to gain hands-on experience in their field of study. One of the most popular bachelor's degree programs at UWED is the International Economics and Management program. This program provides students with a strong foundation in economics, international trade, and finance. Students also learn about the political and legal environment of international business. Another popular bachelor's degree program at UWED is the International Relations program. This program provides students with a comprehensive understanding of international relations, foreign policy, and diplomacy. Students also learn about the history and culture of different countries.  UWED also offers bachelor's degree programs in Political Science and Jurisprudence. These programs are designed to prepare students for careers in government, law, business, and other fields. Here are some of the benefits of earning a bachelor's degree from UWED: A strong academic foundation in your chosen field Exposure to a diverse range of cultures and perspectives The opportunity to network with other students and professionals from around the world The chance to gain hands-on experience through internships and other extracurricular activities A competitive edge in the job market If you are looking for a challenging and rewarding educational experience, UWED is the perfect place for you. With its world-class faculty, state-of-the-art facilities, and diverse student body, UWED is committed to providing its students with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in today's globalized world.

Study at UWED

The University of World Economy and Diplomacy was established on September 23, 1992. It is functioning under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

It is a higher educational institution that provides training, retraining and advanced training for specialists and academic staff as well as conducts high-level fundamental and applied research in the following areas:

  • International Economics and Management;
  • International Relations and Political Science;
  • International Public and Private Law;
  • Jurisprudence.
Study at UWED
UWED graduates were awarded diplomas

UWED graduates were awarded diplomas

       On July 23 of this year, a solemn diploma awarding ceremony for graduates of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy took place at the Palace of the Federation of Trade Unions of Uzbekistan.          Opening the event, the First Deputy Chairman of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis and Rector of UWED, Sodyq Safoev, emphasized the most important achievements of the graduates and wished them success in their future careers.          "The university is rightfully proud of its graduates and believes that they will make a worthy contribution to the further prosperity of Uzbekistan," said S.Safoev.          He also noted that the completion of their studies at the university and the receipt of diplomas is largely due to the efforts of their parents, who have always been there for them.          "We will share pride in your future successes together with them. The doors of the university will always be open for you," emphasized the rector.​          The First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Bakhramjon Aloev, addressing the future diplomats, noted that they will need to constantly work on themselves, strive to enhance their knowledge, gain experience and qualifications, and implement innovative methods of work.          Video messages of congratulations and advice to the young colleagues were sent by the heads of diplomatic missions of our country abroad. The Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassadors of foreign states who attended the ceremonial event expressed their wishes to the graduates of UWED. Among them were: the Ambassador of France, Aurélie Bouchez; the Ambassador of the Republic of Korea, Won Do-Young; the Ambassador of the USA, Jonathan Henick; the Ambassador of the People's Republic of China, Yu Jun; the Ambassador of Italy, Agostino Pinna, and others.         Former students and their parents expressed gratitude to the faculty and teaching staff of UWED for their tireless and noble work. They unanimously agreed that the years spent studying at the university, which became an important stage in the lives of the young people, will forever remain in their memories.         At the end of the speeches, representatives of the leadership of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and UWED presented diplomas and certificates to the graduates. The solemn event concluded with a colorful concert performance.

UWED strengthensties with Japanese universities

UWED strengthensties with Japanese universities

From July 8 to 11, 2024, UWED First Vice-Rector A. Umarov and leading research fellow of the Institute for Advanced International Studies, Mexriniso Abdurasulova, visited Japan to strengthen academic ties with universities in the country. On July 8, the university representatives held talks with Vice-Rector Kazuhito Kawakita, the faculty of the Graduate School of International Studies, and the Director of the Institute of Asian Satellite Campuses (ASCI), AkineAmauchi, discussing student exchange programs, joint PhD programs, research projects, and faculty exchanges. A.Umarov visited Nagoya University of Economics to discuss a joint program on artificial intelligence at the Faculty of International Economics and Management. During the visit, he held discussions with the university president, Professor Haruo Saburi, and other officials, focusing on integrating AI into the educational process. The discussions included creating a comprehensive program that will enable students to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to work in the field of AI and its application in international economics and management. On July 9, UWED representatives visited the University of Tsukuba, where they met with Vice-Rector Ikeda Jun, head of the Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences TosinobuUsuyama and Professor Timur Dadabaev.These meetings resulted in the signing of an agreement for a dual-degree program for master's students, funded by the Nippon Foundation. This program will allow students to earn a master's degree from both universities, expanding their academic and professional prospects. On July 10, the Uzbek delegation, participated in the round table "Creating and Jointly Promoting Innovations within the Framework of the 'Central Asia Plus Japan' Dialogue" at the University of Tsukuba.A.Umarovspeech on "Cooperation between Uzbekistan and Japan in the Fields of Science, Education, Cultural Exchange, and Tourism," He presented data on the current state of relations between Uzbekistan and Japan in these areas and proposed initiatives to improve the dynamics of mutually beneficial relations between the two countries.A round table “Japan-Uzbekistan” was also held here with the participation of experts from analytical centers of Uzbekistan and the University of Tsukuba. On July 11, a round table was held at the Japan Institute of International Relations on the topic: "Uzbek-Japanese Expert Dialogue: Strategic Partnership in New Conditions" in which representatives of think tanks of the two countries took part. On the same day, A. Umarov visited the head office of the Nippon Foundation in Tokyo,where he discussed withExecutive Director Yuji Morithe organization of a seminar on the topic: “Transformation of higher education in Uzbekistan: paths to global excellence and innovation in partnership with Japan,” which is planned to be held on 7 -8 August. The results of the visit were further evidence that the cooperation of UWED with Japanese universities and the Nippon Foundation demonstrates their common commitment to strengthening cooperation in the field of higher education and scientific research.


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