Sultonova Umeda Istatovna

Sultonova Umeda Istatovna

    Sultonova Umeda Istatovna

    Sultonova Umeda Istatovna

    Department: Romano Germanic Languages

    Methodology for teaching German
    Intercultural communication

    Uzbek, German, Russian.


    LinkedIn, Google Scholar, Research Gate,  Academia, Web of Science, ORCID.

    Biography Facts

    As a senior teacher of foreign languages of the Department of Romance and Germanic Languages of the University of International Economics and Diplomacy in Tashkent, Umeda Istatovna Sultonova teaches German as a second foreign language to 2nd, 3rd, and 4th-year students. She is the author of the textbook "Hervorragende Menschen Deutchlands (Outstanding People of Germany)" and a number (more than 40) of scientific and journalistic articles on the topics of methodology of teaching the German language, intercultural communication, tolerance in society and others.

    In 2008, U.I. Sultonova completed a three-month internship at the Birklehof Gymnasium in Germany. In 2022, she won a scholarship and completed a month-long advanced training course at the University of Bremen (Germany).

    In addition to her academic work at the university, U.I. Sultonova is actively involved in social work. She is also a member of the university "Council for Women's Affairs".

    Every year, Umeda Istatovna Sultonova organizes the "German Language Day" events with the participation of students, teachers and representatives of the German diplomatic corps in Uzbekistan. She regularly participates in seminars organized by the Goethe Institute in Tashkent.


    «Строим мосты, а не стены: толерантность как основа прогрессивного общества». Журнал «Звезда востока», апрель 2024.

    «Инновационные образовательные технологии в преподавании языка и литературы: открытие новых горизонтов обучения». COLLECTION OF SCIENTIFIC ARTICLES AND ABSTRACTS OF THE INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH CONFERENCE «. T.: UZMU, 2024.


    «Глобальные понимание: Межкультурная коммуникация в современном мире (на примере Узбекистана и Германии)». Научно-практическая конференция (Проблемы языкого обучения и пути их решения).УМЭД, 2024 май.

    «On Intercultural Factors in Modern Development». МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫЕ ОТНОШЕНИЯ МЕЖДИСЦИПЛИНАРНЫЙ НАУЧНО-ТЕОРЕТИЧЕСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ, 5-6 / 2024 (№ 107, 108) ISSN 2010-6203.