Asatova Gulbahor Rashidjanovna

Asatova Gulbahor Rashidjanovna

    Asatova Gulbahor Rashidjanovna

    Asatova Gulbahor Rashidjanovna

    Senior Lecturer
    Department of "Romano-Germanic languages"
    Spoken languages
    Uzbek, Russian, German

    Biography Facts

    Gulbahor Asatova is a senior lecturer at the Department of Romano-Germanic Languages at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy. She received a bachelor's degree from the Uzbek State University of World Languages, and a master's degree from the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo-Ulugbek.
    She repeatedly improved her qualifications in the Federal Republic of Germany at the Goethe-Institutes in the cities of Göttingen, Heiderberg, Mannheim, regularly takes part in seminars organized by the Goethe-Institut in Tashkent.
    She is the author of the textbook "Art in the classroom of the German language", the compiler in collaboration with Abduganieva Sh.M. and Sultonova U.I. "German-Uzbek-Russian glossary of legal terms".