The department of international economy

The department of international economy

    The Department of International Economics of the Faculty of International Economics and Management of UWED, formed in 2022 by merging the Departments of International Economics and Economic Theory (operating since 1993), is one of the leading departments of the university. In different periods of time, these departments were headed by prominent professional scientists, such as: Doctor of Economics, G.K. Saidova, Doctor of Economics, prof. HM. Muradova, PhD in Economics, Assoc. E.R. Mahmudov, Doctor of Economics, prof. R.H. Shadiev, Doctor of Economics, prof. N. Sirajiddinov, PhD in Economics, Assoc. G.S. Toniyants, Ph.D., Assoc. S.A. Zakirova, Ph.D., Assoc. E.A. Khoshimov, Doctor of Economics Sh.A. Sharifkhodzhaev.
    Currently, the head of the department is Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor Tashpulatova L.M.

    Throughout the entire activity of the department, well-known specialists in the field of the world economy and international economic relations have worked here, such as: Ph.D. V.A. Golyshev, Doctor of Economics, prof. B.A. Bakhritdinov, Doctor of Economics, prof. A.R. Isadzhanov, Ph.D., prof. G.A. Khachiev, Doctor of Economics, prof. ON. Kasymova, Doctor of Economics, prof. B.A. Abdurashidov.

    The goal of the department is to develop the department based on the principles of the UWED activity improvement strategy in order to train highly qualified specialists with the necessary scientific fundamental training and relevant competencies, competitive and adapted to modern labor market requirements.

    Currently, the department provides teaching of both general disciplines and specialty disciplines for students of 1 to 4 undergraduate courses, as well as master's programs of the faculties "International Economics and Management", "International Relations" and "International Law".
    The list of taught disciplines includes the following courses:

    • Economics;
    • Microeconomics;
    • Macroeconomics;
    • History of economic thought;
    • Macroeconomic analysis;
    • Development Economics;
    • Innovative economy;
    • Institutional economy;
    • World economy;
    • International Economics;
    • International tourism;
    • National economy of Uzbekistan
    • Economy of regions of the world;
    • Special economic zones;
    • Global and regional processes in the world economy;
    • Ecological tourism.

    The teachers of the department prepared and published textbooks and teaching aids on the main taught disciplines. In order to improve the educational process, the teachers of the department have developed a number of textbooks and teaching aids, instructions for writing term papers and final qualification papers. At present, in all subjects taught at the department, new educational and methodological materials have been created on the basis of the latest foreign literature.

    The department conducts active research work. Teachers participate in the preparation of monographs, scientific and analytical reports, scientific articles, including for foreign publications, in scientific conferences of the republican and international level.
    At the department under the guidance of Professor, Doctor of Economics. N. Sirazhiddinova operates a scientific laboratory "Modern problems of the international economy", the main task of which is to conduct research, prepare analytical materials and develop recommendations on topical issues of the international economy, sustainable development and growth of the competitiveness of the national economy. The activity of the scientific laboratory is aimed at assisting in the professional development of the teaching staff, masters and bachelors by involving them in scientific research.

    At the department, under the leadership of S. Turaeva, the UWED Ecoclub was formed and operates. Ecoclub UWED is a youth ecological association of active students whose activities are aimed at disseminating the principles of sustainable development and environmental culture. The main goal of the ecoclub is to form an active environmental position, understanding the importance of improving the environment and the possibility of implementing their environmental projects.

    For undergraduate students, under the guidance of L. Tashpulatova and S. Avezova, there is a student circle "Applied Economics". The main goal of the circle is to expand the scientific potential and develop the skills of research activities among students. At the meetings of the circle, modern concepts, strategies for the economic development of various countries of the world are regularly discussed, topical problems of the economic policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan and foreign countries are analyzed.
    The teachers of the department provide scientific guidance in preparing students of the IEM faculty for participation in the republican Olympiads in the courses "Economic Theory", "Microeconomics. Macroeconomics”, “World Economy and International Economic Relations”, where our students annually win honorable prizes.
    The staff of the department takes an active part in international projects under the programs of Erasmus +, UNDP, UNESCO, WTO, as well as in state projects of the Ministry of Innovative Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

    The department maintains close scientific contacts with TSUE, TSUL, the Institute of Forecasting and Macroeconomic Research and other research centers.
    The department focuses on a significant intensification of inter-departmental, inter-university, including international cooperation in order to organize the educational process in accordance with international standards and strengthen the practical orientation of the educational process in the context of increased requirements for the formation of specialists in the field of international relations, international law and international economics.