Scientific and educational electronic resources
Access is provided to all users on the territory of UWED
Since March 1, 2021, the University of World Economy and Diplomacy has access to the EBSCO HOST resource.
Access via the UWED network, i.e. on-site (via any computer and phone connected to the UWED network, including Wi-Fi). The EBSCOhost interface provides access to a variety of databases, electronic journals, and electronic books. Databases are especially useful for identifying journal articles and other publications on a particular topic in the subject areas covered by each database. You can also search multiple databases simultaneously.
2. Cambridge Journals
Cambridge University Press publishes over 250 peer-reviewed scholarly journals across a wide range of subject areas, in print and online formats. Many of these journals are leading academic outlets in their fields, and together they form one of the most valuable and comprehensive collections of research available today.
(Access on the territory of UWED)
3. UWED Digital library UWED
Electronic catalog, personal reader account, list of new acquisitions, electronic full-text versions
(Access on the territory of UWED)
4. Consolidated electronic catalog of information and library institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan
The Consolidated Catalog enables readers to obtain information about the availability of publications in each specific library or in all libraries; conducting supervision and forming a consolidated database of bibliographic data; conducting online exchange via the network and the Internet
(Access via Hemis system)
5. National database of legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Here are collected all official state acts in a user-friendly format and freely available for downloading.
(Free access)
6. CyberLeninka
This is a scientific electronic library built on the paradigm of open science (Open Science), the main objectives of which are the popularization of science and scientific activity, public control of the quality of scientific publications, the development of interdisciplinary research, a modern institute of scientific review, increasing the citation of Russian science and building a knowledge infrastructure.
(Free access)
7. Polpred.com (Media Review)
The rubricator contains 53 industries / 600 sources / 8 federal districts of the Russian Federation / 235 countries and territories / main materials / articles and interviews with 17,000 top officials. Thousands of news items daily, full text in Russian.
(Access on the territory of UWED)
8. DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals)
A website that hosts a list of open access journals, curated by the community and maintained by Infrastructure Services for Open Access. Here you will find over 10,293 journals, over 121 countries, over 2,651,244 articles)
(Free access)
9. DOAB (Directory of Open Access Books)
Open access scientific publications catalog. Currently, users have access to more than 82,000 academic peer-reviewed books from 746 publishers. The resource provides access to books from leading global publishers such as Springer, Oxford University Press, Taylor & Francis, etc.
(Free access)
10. SpringerLink - Full-text electronic library of the publishing house Springer
a site where 2273 journals and articles from them from 1997-2024 are available.
(Access on the territory of UWED)
11. Scopus
Scopus is a universal scientometric database and a tool for tracking the citation of articles published in scientific journals. The SCOPUS database contains about 50 million abstract records, more than 21 thousand titles of scientific journals are indexed. This is the world's largest abstract database, which is updated daily. In addition, this system provides a rich analytical and statistical toolkit for monitoring publication activity.
(Free access, free registration)
12. Science Direct
ScienceDirect full-text database is Elsevier's leading information platform for scientists, teachers, students, medical professionals and industrial R&D departments, containing 25% of the world's scientific publications. The multidisciplinary ScienceDirect platform provides comprehensive coverage of the literature from all fields of science, providing access to more than 13 million publications from 2,500 scientific journals and more than 33,000 books published by Elsevier, as well as a huge number of journals published by prestigious scientific societies.
(Access on the territory of UWED)
13. Google Scholar
Free search engine for scientific publications The portal uses search robots to index metadata and perform full-text searches of scientific literature, including journal articles, preprints, dissertations, books, and technical reports. Users can search for the required works by author, keyword, and journal title. Advanced search allows you to rank materials by publication, date, and subject area.
(Free access)
14. Ziyonet (National Educational Portal)
The educational portal was founded in 2006. On the portal you can find a large number of electronic versions of books, audio books, opportunities for learning foreign languages
(Free access, free registration)
(Free access, free registration)
15. Taylor & Francis Group
international scientific book and journal publisher Specializes in publishing scientific literature and scientific journals Taylor & Francis publishes more than 1,800 new books and 1,000 journals annually
(For open access publications)
16. Digital Library of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation
The FES library is a member of the library network "Kooperativer Bibliotheksverbund Berlin-Brandenburg" and cooperates with other library networks. All of the FES library's holdings are listed in the KOBV library network catalogue and the Bavarian Library Network.They can also be searched via the Karlsruher Virtueller Katalog (a book search interface for several German and international catalogues) and WorldCat. Almost all of the holdings can be used via interlibrary loan (both in Germany and abroad). The institution codes Bo 133 (in Germany) and DE-Bo133 (the international standard identifier for our library) are used for this purpose.
(Free access)