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    The Department of International Relations at UWED will host a master class led by Liu Xu, the Deputy Director of the Center for Russia, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia at Zhenming University. This event is part of the initiative focused on the Sustainable Development Goals. It will take place on January 15 at 3:00 PM in auditorium 114 of Building A.



    7 декабря 2024 года в Дипломатической академии состоится лекция бывшего Посла Индии в США и заместителя министра иностранных дел Индии Харш Вадхан Шрингла, на тему «Современные индийско-американские отношения». Приглашаются профессора и преподаватели, студенты, магистранты и докторанты УМЭД и Дипломатической академии. Лекция состоится в онлайн формате в 110 аудитории, корпус «В» УМЭД.    Харш Вардхан Шрингла — бывший заместитель министра иностранных дел Индии (2020-22), являлся главным координатором саммита G20 (2022-23), который проходил под председательством Индии. На дипломатической службе с 1984 года. В 2023 году Шрингла был удостоен премии "Шри Бхагван Махавир Викланг Сахаята Самити" (BMVSS) за вклад в мировую дипломатию и филантропию. Он является стратегическим советником нескольких индийских корпораций высшего уровня.


    Dear students of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy!

    The intellectual game "Intelligence" dedicated to the Constitution Day on December 8 will be held among students of universities of Uzbekistan. We invite you all to this competition. December 7, 2024 UWED Eco-Library


    Dear students of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy!

    A master class on ensuring women's rights and gender equality in the SDGs will be held at the UWED. We invite you all to the seminar. December 6, 2024 15:00 B-106


    Dear students of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy!

    In accordance with paragraph 34 of Appendix 1 to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. F-53 dated October 17, 2024 “On preparation and holding of the holiday of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan”, a mass dictation will be held at the University under the slogan “My Constitution is 32 years old” on the theme “My Constitution and the State Language”. December 6, 2024  15:00  Eco-library


    Dear professors and teachers of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy, community activists, members of the public and students!

    📣 A roundtable discussion will be held at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy with the participation of UN Women Representative in Uzbekistan, Jeren Guven. This roundtable discussion will be held within the framework of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and 🔸"16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence".  ✔️We invite you all to this meeting!  🗓 December 3, 2024 ⏰ 15:00  📍COK conference hall


    Defense of the dissertation for obtaining PhD degree in Economic sciences of Abdurakhimova Ziyoda Anvar kizi

    The defense of the dissertation by Abdurakhimova Ziyoda Anvar kizi for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Economic Science, specializing in 08.00.09 – "World Economy" on the topic " Mechanisms for enhancing the effectiveness of foreign aid allocated to the Republic of Uzbekistan by international financial organizations," will take place on November 21, 2024, at 11:00 a.m. at the meeting of the Scientific Council No. DSc.11/25.08.2022.I.24.03 at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy. 



    The defense of the dissertation by Imomova Yulduzkhon Jumaboy kizi for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Political Science, specializing in 23.00.04 – "International Relations, Political Issues of Global and Regional Development," on the topic "Evolution of the Afghan Vector in U.S. Foreign Policy: Trends and Prospects" will take place on November 29, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. at the meeting of the Scientific Council No. DSс.11/25.08.2022.S.24.02 at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy.
