Partners in Uzbekistan

Partners in Uzbekistan

    List of ministries, departments, organizations and companies of the Republic of Uzbekistan with which  there are existing partnerships  with the UWED

     Ministries and departments

    The Senate of the Oliy Majlis
    Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan
    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan
    The Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan
    The Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations, Investments and Trade
    The Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Uzbekistan
    The Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Uzbekistan
    Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population ResUz.
    The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan
    The Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan
    Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan
    General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan
    National Bureau of Interpol in the Republic of Uzbekistan
    Institute of Strategic and Interregional Studies under President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
    Ministry of Internal Affairs, Office of entry-exit and registration of citizenship
    Institute for Monitoring of Current Legislation under
    President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
    The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan
    The Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan
    Supreme Economic Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan
    State Committee of Uzbekistan on privatization, de-monopolization and Competition Development
    Graduate School of Strategic Analysis and Forecasting
    Coordination and Analysis Centre for Foreign Policy Studies
    Football Federation of the Republic of Uzbekistan
    Academy of Public Administration
    Olympic Committee of Uzbekistan
    Foreign Diplomatic Service
    The Women's Committee of Uzbekistan
    People's Democratic Party of Uzbekistan
    Ecological Movement of Uzbekistan
    Movement of Entrepreneurs and Businessmen - Liberal-Democratic Party of Uzbekistan
    The Social Democratic Party "Adolat"
    Democratic Party of Uzbekistan "Milly Tiklanish"
    The National Centre for Human Rights
    Youth Union of Uzbekistan
    Independent Institute for monitoring the formation of civil society
    Center for Economic Research
    National Broadcasting Company
    The Republic of Uzbekistan
    National Holding Company "Uzbekneftegaz"
    National Company "Uzbekturizm"
    NAC "Uzbekistan Airways"
    UTY "O'zbekiston Temir Yullari"
    The National Commission for UNESCO at the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan
    Regional Policy Foundation
    Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of Uzbekistan
    Institute of Macroeconomic Analysis and Forecasting
    Administration AMMC
    Administration of NMMC
    Administration of the Shurtan Gas Chemical Complex
    National export-import insurance "Uzbekinvest"
    JSC "Uzbeklizinginterneyshnl"
    SJSC "Uzavtoyul"
    JSC "Uztransgaz"
    "Uzbekenergo" SJSC
     "Uzdonmahsulot" AK
    Holding company "Uzvinprom-holding" the Republic of Uzbekistan
    National export-import insurance "Uzbekinvest"
    The company «Coca-cola»
    «DAEWOO TextileFergana»
    «Ernst and Young» audit company
    State Joint-Stock Insurance Company "Kafolat"
    Insurance Closed Joint-Stock Company "INGO-Uzbekistan"
    State Joint-Stock Insurance Company "Uzagrosugurta"
    JV "Deutsche Kabel AG," the Republic of Uzbekistan
    Association "Uzpahtasanoat"
    Uzbek Agency for Communications and Informatization of the Republic of Uzbekistan
    HOOK "Uzkimyosanoat"Tashkent city branch
    Uzbekistan Bar Association
    The Bar Association of the Republic of Uzbekistan
    The Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan
    The National Bank for Foreign Economic Activity of the Republic of Uzbekistan
    JSCB "Agrobank"
    JSCB "Turon Bank"
    AKB "Hamkorbank"
    JSICB "Ipak yuli"
    AKB "Qishloq Qurilish Bank"
    JSCIB "Mortgage Bank"
    GKB "Xalk Bank"
    ABB "Trust Bank"
    Uzbek-German Bank "Savdogar"
    POJSCB "Ravnak bank"
    JSCB "Uzpromstroybank"
    SJSCB "Microcredit"
    OJSCB "Kapital"
    CHOATB "Turkistan"
    OJSCB "Asaka"
    AKB "Aloqabank"
    The Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
    Mayor's Fergana region
    Khokimiyat of Kashkadarya region
    Khokimiyat of Surkhandarya region
    Khokimiyat of of Samarkand region
    Khokimiyat of Bukhara region
    Khokimiyat of Tashkent
    Khokimiyat of Andijan region
    Khokimiyat of Navoi region
    Agency for Intellectual Property ResUz.
    The Patent Office of Uzbekistan
    Copyright Agency