Doctoral Studies
Preparation of doctoral students, as well as independent researchers at the University is carried out in the following fields:
07.00.05 – History of international relations and foreign policy;
23.00.04 – Political problems of international relations, global and regional development;
08.00.09 – World Economy;
08.00.13 – Management;
12.00.10 – International Law;
12.00.03 – Civil law. Business law. Family law. International private law.
Applicants for basic doctorate (PhD) should have:
- master's degree, diploma of higher education (specialty programs);
- scientific results, including at least one scientific article published in a scientific journal, and at least two abstracts in scientific proceedings in the relevant fields that can form the basis of the PhD.
Applicants for basic doctorate (PhD) submit the following documents to the admission committee:
- application form;
- CV;
- a copy of the work book, certified in accordance with the established procedure (for working applicants);
- a copy of the diploma of master's degree, diploma on higher education (specialty programs);
- list of published scientific papers (scientific results, including at least one scientific article published in a scientific journal, and at least two abstracts in scientific proceedings in the relevant scientific areas that can form the basis of a thesis for a PhD), as well as their copies;
- Holders of the State Scholarship of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan present a copy of the relevant document.
Applicants for training in the basic doctorate take entrance examinations in the specialty and a foreign language (studied at previous levels of education). If the applicants have IELTS qualifications (with an average score of at least 5.5), TOEFL (PBT) (at least 567 points), TOEFL (iBT) (at least 87 points), CEFR (at least B2) they are exempt from taking examinations in foreign languages.
Applicants for doctorate (DSc) should have:
- a PhD, candidate of sciences or other equivalent degrees received in foreign countries;
- achieved significant scientific achievements after obtaining candidate of sciences or PhD degree or other equivalent degrees received in foreign countries, including at least three scientific articles published in scientific journals and at least two theses in collections of scientific and scientific-practical conferences, in other collections of scientific papers on the relevant scientific areas, which can form the basis of the dissertation research for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc).
Candidates for doctorate (DSc) submit the following documents to the admission committee:
- application form;
- CV;
- a copy of the workbook, certified in accordance with the established procedure (for working bidders);
- a copy of a diploma of higher education, a diploma of candidate of sciences, or a PhD, or other equivalent degrees received abroad;
- a scientific report on the research topic and a detailed draft of the dissertation plan for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc);
- list of published scientific papers, as well as their copies.
In order to become an independent researcher (PhD) applicant should have:
- a master's degree, a diploma of higher education (specialties);
- scientific results, including at least one scientific article published in a scientific journal, and at least two abstracts in scientific proceedings in the relevant fields that can form the basis of the PhD;
- scientific and pedagogical experience of work not less than two years or having certain scientific achievements (patents for inventions or author's certificates).
The applicant for independent competition applies to the admission committee with the following documents:
- application form;
- CV;
- a copy of the Master's diploma - for the official registration as an independent applicant of the PhD.
- a copy of the workbook, certified in accordance with the established procedure;
- list of scientific papers and their copies;
- a copy of the diploma of candidate of sciences or PhD. or other equivalent degrees obtained abroad;
- reference(s) from the place of work.
- Acceptance and training of foreign citizens and stateless persons in post-graduate education institutions is carried out on a fee-contract basis in accordance with the legislation and (or) international treaties of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Doctorate is carried out in full-time tuition. Duration of training for doctoral students and independent researchers does not exceed three years.
Admission of documents to basic doctorate and doctorate is held from September 15 to October 15, entrance exams from November 1 to 25.
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