Human Resources Department

Human Resources Department

    HR Department of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy was established according to PF-474 Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On the foundation of the UWED” signed on September 23, 1992, and No. 491 Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers “On the organization of activities of the UWED” signed on October 24, 1992. The purpose of  HR Department is to achieve and implement the goals set by National Program of Preparing Personnel.

    The following are the main tasks of the department:

    • ensure formalization of documents related to labor relations between the university and employees;
    • formation of the necessary database about university employees;
    • participation in the development of proposals for changes to the university's organizational structure and staffing table;
    • monitoring compliance with the requirements of labor legislation in relations with employees.

    The department performs the following functions in order to fulfill the tasks assigned to it:

    • in accordance with the organizational structure of the university, ensuring the selection and placement of employees for relevant positions on the basis of transparency;
    • recruitment of employees on the basis of selection, transfer to another job and termination of the employment contract concluded with them are formalized in accordance with the requirements of legal documents on labor;
    • to acquaint the recruited employees with all local documents of the university and monitor their compliance;
    • ensuring that newly hired employees develop general and professional skills;
    • maintaining and keeping employees' work notebooks, collections of personal documents, card files and other documents;
    • ensuring the issuance of service permits to university employees;
    • keeping records of documents related to employees going on vacation;
    • formation of the reserve of management staff of the university;
    • preparation of statistical reports on the personal composition of employees;
    • in relation to the relationship with employees, the university is responsible for monitoring the fulfillment of the requirements specified in the labor law, the labor contract, the university's collective agreement and the employee's career guide, and applying incentives and disciplinary sanctions to employees within the scope of their powers making a proposal to the rector;
    • preparation of documents related to recommending employees who set a special example in their work activities for state awards, honorary labels and other types of awards in the prescribed manner;
    • organization of control over compliance with labor discipline of employees, preparation of order drafts on consideration of issues of disciplinary liability;
    • issuing of disability certificates in the prescribed manner, preparation of necessary documents in connection with the awarding of pensions to university employees;
    • to provide relevant advice to university employees and persons being recruited in connection with the tasks assigned to the department, to ensure that citizens' appeals are considered and given appropriate answers.

    To contact HR:
    phone: +998712676540
    G (D) building, rooms 107, 115