Khayrullaeva Nargiza

Khayrullaeva Nargiza

    Khayrullaeva Nargiza

    Khayrullaeva Nargiza

    Senior Lecturer, Department of Romano-Germanic Languages
    Spoken languages
    Uzbek, Russian, Spanish C 1
    Spanish as a second foreign language
    Intercultural communication

    Biography Facts

    Khayrullaeva Nargiza - senior teacher of Spanish at the Department of Romano - Germanic languages.


    Teaching aids
      “Uzbekistán: geografía, recursos naturales, historia, pueblo y sus costumbres” manual in Spanish;
    “Сonstitución de la Republica de Uzbekistán” is a teaching aid designed to develop students' oral speech skills in Spanish.
    Phrasebook in Uzbek-English-Spanish
    Phrasebook (in Russian, Uzbek, English, German, Chinese, Spanish)
    Dictionary of legal terms and expressions
    24 articles in Republican and international scientific journals