Test Title
Repair of football, basketball and volleyball fields
The UWED Sports Club announces a tender for the repair of football, basketball and volleyball courts on the territory of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy (UWED)The total amount of the tender is 342,495,392.00 soums. Estimated documentation and summary of the expert opinionOrganizations participating in the tender must submit their proposals by 09.09.2024y. All submitted documents (commercial proposal, organization certificate, documents on activities in this area, additional other types of documents) are submitted in a sealed envelope.The results of the tender will be announced on 10.09.2024y. The organizations participating in the tender will be reviewed and announced with the participation of members of the UWED Sports Clubs Commission.Address for submitting documents: Uzbekistan, 100007, Tashkent, Mustakillik Avenue 54.Phone: +998907307828; +998935030709;
Jahon iqtisodiyoti va diplomatiya universiteti umumiy ovqatlanish xizmatlarini ko‘rsatish uchun universitetning “B” o‘quv binosi foyesida joylashgan bufetni ijaraga berish bo‘yicha tender e’lon qiladi
Obyekt xarakteristikasi: Xizmat ko‘rsatish joyi (ovqat tayyorlash xonasi) 1 ta (13 m.kv.), ovqatlanish joyi (xonasi) 1 ta (54 m.kv.) dan iborat. Universitet xodimlari soni 400 nafar, talabalar soni 2500 nafardan ortiqni tashkil qiladi. Talablar:1. O‘zbekiston Respublikasining umumiy ovqatlanish xizmatlari ko‘rsatish to‘g‘risidagi qonunchiligi talablariga rioya etish; 2. Kuniga kamida 100 kishiga xizmat ko‘rsatish; 3. Bufetda tez tayyor bo‘luvchi turli bufet taomlari, shirinliklar, non mahsulotlari, choy, kofe, sharbatlar, turli gazlangan va gazlanmagan ichimliklar bilan savdoni tashkil etish; 4. Talabga ko‘ra kofe-breyk va banketlar tashkil etish. 5. Ijaraga olingan obyektlar uchun elektroenergiya, issiqlik energiyasi, issiq va sovuq suv ta’minoti, chiqindilarni olib chiqishni tashkil etish bo‘yicha universitet bilan shartnomalar tuzish; 6. Ijara obyektlarini sanitariya me’yorlari va yong‘in xavfsizligi talablariga muvofiq toza va ozoda saqlash, Dezinfeksiya, deratizatsiya, dezinseksiya ishlarini belgilangan muddatlarda olib borishni ta’minlash; 7. Ijaraga olingan asbob-uskunalar, bino va boshqa moddiy qiymatli buyumlarining but holatda saqlanishini ta’minlash; Umumiy ovqatlanishni tashkil etishda kamida 1 yillik tajribaga ega bo‘lgan barcha mulkchilik shaklidagi tashkilot va korxonalarni 2024-yil 12-fevralgacha o‘z takliflarini bildirishga taklif qilamiz. Aloqa uchun: Karimov BaxtiyorTel.: +998 97 409-31-74
Jahon iqtisodiyoti va diplomatiya universiteti umumiy ovqatlanish xizmatlarini ko‘rsatish uchun universitetning “A” o‘quv binosida joylashgan bufetni ijaraga berish bo‘yicha tender e’lon qiladi
Obyekt xarakteristikasi: Xizmat ko‘rsatish joyi (ovqat tayyorlash xonasi) 1 ta (41 m.kv.), ovqatlanish joyi (xonasi) 1 tadan iborat. Universitet xodimlari soni 400 nafar, talabalar soni 2500 nafardan ortiqni tashkil qiladi. Talablar:1. O‘zbekiston Respublikasining umumiy ovqatlanish xizmatlari ko‘rsatish to‘g‘risidagi qonunchiligi talablariga rioya etish; 2. Kuniga kamida 100 kishiga xizmat ko‘rsatish; 3. Bufetda tez tayyor bo‘luvchi turli bufet taomlari, shirinliklar, non mahsulotlari, choy, kofe, sharbatlar, turli gazlangan va gazlanmagan ichimliklar bilan savdoni tashkil etish; 4. Talabga ko‘ra kofe-breyk va banketlar tashkil etish. 5. Ijaraga olingan obyektlar uchun elektroenergiya, issiqlik energiyasi, issiq va sovuq suv ta’minoti, chiqindilarni olib chiqishni tashkil etish bo‘yicha universitet bilan shartnomalar tuzish; 6. Ijara obyektlarini sanitariya me’yorlari va yong‘in xavfsizligi talablariga muvofiq toza va ozoda saqlash, Dezinfeksiya, deratizatsiya, dezinseksiya ishlarini belgilangan muddatlarda olib borishni ta’minlash; 7. Ijaraga olingan asbob-uskunalar, bino va boshqa moddiy qiymatli buyumlarining but holatda saqlanishini ta’minlash; Umumiy ovqatlanishni tashkil etishda kamida 1 yillik tajribaga ega bo‘lgan barcha mulkchilik shaklidagi tashkilot va korxonalarni 2024-yil 12-fevralgacha o‘z takliflarini bildirishga taklif qilamiz. Aloqa uchun: Karimov Baxtiyor Tel.: +998 97 409-31-74
Announcement for equipping a modern classroom (Smart Class) and Co-working space.
The University of World Economy and Diplomacy and Hankyong National University Industry-Academic Cooperation Foundation of Korea announce a bid for equipping a modern classroom (Smart Class) and Co-working space. Companies wishing to participate in the bid must provide the following information and commercial offers: 1. Company certificate 2. Certificate of no tax debt 3. Official letter of application from the company for participation in the competition. 4. Quotation for the following equipment (in sealed condition) N Product Name Standards/Specifications Qt. 1 Electronic whiteboard 86 inches (Auxiliary blackboard integral type) 4200*1244*116mm, Built-in-android system/mirroring dual band wifi/ camera& microphone function/ OPS (Electronic Blackboard system) installed 1 2 Electronic lecture table 655*1150*686mm, 22" dual touch monitor, audio amplifier & wireless microphone system 1 3 Automatic class recording system Composition of 2 cameras, class recording device, and class recording software Automatic tracking function, interworking with electronic board and electronic lecture table as a server without using a separate instructor PC 1 4 Electronic whiteboard 65 inches 1520*913*107mm OPS PC, writing software, Includes screen sharing software 5 5 Electronic blackboard stand mobile electric stand, TV monitor size (65 to 100 inches), VESA standard (400~1000*400~600) 5 6 Tablet pc CPU Octa-core, wi-fi 5G, Battery capacity 8,000 mAh or more 24 7 Tablet PC Cradle Folding, angle adjustment, height adjustment 24 8 Folding desk 1800*600*730mm, for 3 people 8 9 Folding chair 565*580*888mm, for 1 person 24 10 Smart Access Fast Charging Storage Box 500*540*1270mm, More than 24 chargers, sterilizers, Compatible with various types of charging 1 11 Internet Installation and wireless AP Establishing reliable Internet network access 2 12 White board 1800*1200mm, movable double-sided stand 2 13 Laser printer 541*591*491 mm, color, black & white 26ppm, automatic duplex printing, 9,600dpi 1 14 Laptop CPU: intel core i5-1240P Windows 10 or higher, Memory: 10GB or higher, HDD: 256 (SSD) GB or higher 1 15 Coffee machine 238*430*351mm, 9kg, Water tank capacity: 1.8L, Bean container capacity: 250g 1 16 Folding desk 1500*500*730 mm for 2 people 8 17 Folding chair 530*545*845 for 1 person 15 Deadline for submission of commercial offers: 12.09.2023 at 12:00. Address for submission of commercial offers: 100007, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Mustakillik shoh street, 54. UWED Building A, 102. Responsible for the bid: Boboyorov M. (Head of the international department)
Competition for the purchase of technical equipment for the UWED Multimedia Center
In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PP-2848 dated March 22, 2017 “On measures to strengthen the material and technical base of higher educational institutions with the participation of the International Development Association”, the University of World Economy and Diplomacy (UWED) announces a competition for the purchase of technical equipment for the Multimedia center UWED.The purchase will be carried out as part of an investment project with the attraction of credit funds from a foreign investor. According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated March 22, 2017 No. PP-2848, as well as the letter of the State Tax Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 17/2-28137 dated September 26, 2019, the purchased equipment is exempt from value added tax.Competition deadlineFrom 06 to 13 June (inclusive) 2022.Bidding procedureThis tender is open to all suppliers. All interested participants can send their commercial proposals (scanned version in PDF format, signed by the manager and stamped) to 350-uwed@mail.ru or to the UWED office from 06 to 13 June (inclusive) 2022.Documents required for participation in the tender:registration certificates;copy of TIN;supporting documents indicating experience in the supply of certain products;if we are talking about the supply of goods from the manufacturer, then the applicant must also submit a certificate of an official representative or dealer;certificates or other documents that certify the quality of the product, if it is subject to mandatory certification.The main criteria for the selection of suppliers:the price of goods;quality of supplied products (technical and functional characteristics of goods);experience (reputation) of the supplier in the supply of certain products;warranty period and availability of a service center in Uzbekistan.Basic conditions for suppliers:The prices of goods (services) in the contract must be indicated WITHOUT VAT.The contract must be signed by the parties within 10 working days after the announcement of the results of the tender. Otherwise, the results of the competition will be cancelled.The product must comply with all technical requirements and parameters specified in the terms of reference (Appendix No. 1);The delivered goods must be new and not used, as well as in their original packaging, with factory markings and not have defects. The expiration date must be indicated on the packaging.Defective goods will not be accepted and will be sent back. Objections to the goods are made within 30 days.Goods must be certified (if the goods are mandatory for certification).Payment is made in the amount of 15% of the total amount specified within 10 banking days from the date of its signing, the balance of 85% will be paid within 10 banking days after the delivery of goods to the Customer, as well as at the end of installation and assembly services;All goods must be delivered to the Customer within 10 days from the date of signing the contract and receiving an advance payment of 15% of the total amount specified in the contract;All supplied goods must have a quality guarantee (at least 1 year), the "Contractor" undertakes obligations for free maintenance during the warranty period;The service center should be located in Tashkent;The price of the goods must include services for measurement, installation and delivery.Customer informationClient: University of World Economy and DiplomacyAddress: Tashkent, Mustakillik avenue, house 54Tel.: +99871 267-67-69, +99871 267-14-46.E-mail: 350-uwed@mail.ruTender subject: purchase of goods for the "UWED Multimedia Studio"Application No. 1. Terms of reference for the purchase of equipment for the UME Multimedia Center
Results of the tender of the subproject "UWED Multimedia Center"
On May 20, 2022, the University of World Economy and Diplomacy held a tender for the supply of multimedia and org. equipment for the subproject "UWED Multimedia Center", announced on the university website on 04/18/2022.The following suppliers participated in the tender:• IE "Rustamov Shohruh Rustamovich" for goods in positions No. 1, 3-7 for a total amount of 23,609,000 soums.• IP "KOVALSKIY K.V" for goods in positions No. 1-7 for a total amount of 24,339,000 UZS.• IP "RAKHIMZHANOV A.A" for goods in positions No. 1, 3-7 for a total amount of 24,165,000 soums.• INSTRUMENT PRO LLC for goods in positions No. 8-12 for a total of 93,900,000 soums.• YUSUFXON MEDIA LLC for goods in positions No. 8-12 for a total amount of 85,340,000 UZS.• PE "ALSTAR-MUSIC" for goods in positions No. 8-12 for a total amount of 106,460,000 soums. Based on the results of the marketing price comparison, it is proposed to conclude a contract with the following companies:• on positions No. 1, 3-7 with the company IE "Rustamov Shohruh Rustamovich" with the best price in the amount of 23,609,000 soums;• on positions No. 8-12 with the company "YUSUFXON MEDIA" LLC with the best price in the amount of 85,340,000 soums;
Competition for the purchase of technical equipment for the UWED Multimedia Center
In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PP-2848 dated March 22, 2017 “On measures to strengthen the material and technical base of higher educational institutions with the participation of the International Development Association”, the University of World Economy and Diplomacy (UWED) announces a competition for the purchase of technical equipment for the Multimedia center UWED. The purchase will be carried out as part of an investment project with the attraction of credit funds from a foreign investor. According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated March 22, 2017 No. PP-2848, as well as the letter of the State Tax Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 17/2-28137 dated September 26, 2019, the purchased equipment is exempt from value added tax. Competition deadline From 18 to 30 April (inclusive) 2022. Bidding procedure This tender is open to all suppliers. All interested participants can send their commercial proposals (scanned version in PDF format, signed by the head and stamped) to nmalikov@uwed.uz or to the UWED office from April 18 to April 30 (inclusive), 2022. Documents required for participation in the tender: registration certificates;copy of TIN;supporting documents indicating experience in the supply of certain products;if we are talking about the supply of goods from the manufacturer, then the applicant must also submit a certificate of an official representative or dealer;certificates or other documents that certify the quality of the product, if it is subject to mandatory certification.The main criteria for the selection of suppliers: the price of goods;quality of supplied products (technical and functional characteristics of goods);experience (reputation) of the supplier in the supply of certain products;warranty period and availability of a service center in Uzbekistan.Basic conditions for suppliers: The prices of goods (services) in the contract must be indicated WITHOUT VAT.The contract must be signed by the parties within 10 working days after the announcement of the results of the tender. Otherwise, the results of the competition will be cancelled.The product must comply with all technical requirements and parameters specified in the terms of reference (Appendix No. 1);The delivered goods must be new and not used, as well as in their original packaging, with factory markings and not have defects. The expiration date must be indicated on the packaging.Defective goods will not be accepted and will be sent back. Objections to the goods are made within 30 days.Goods must be certified (if the goods are mandatory for certification).Payment is made in the amount of 15% of the total amount specified within 10 banking days from the date of its signing, the balance of 85% will be paid within 10 banking days after the delivery of goods to the Customer, as well as at the end of installation and assembly services;All goods must be delivered to the Customer within 10 days from the date of signing the contract and receiving an advance payment of 15% of the total amount specified in the contract;All supplied goods must have a quality guarantee (at least 1 year), the "Contractor" undertakes obligations for free maintenance during the warranty period;The service center should be located in Tashkent;The price of the goods must include services for measurement, installation and delivery.Customer information Client: University of World Economy and Diplomacy Address: Tashkent, Mustakillik avenue, house 54. Tel.: +99871 267-67-69, +99871 267-14-46. Email address: nmalikov@uwed.uz Tender subject: purchase of goods for the "UWED Multimedia Studio"
Competition for the rental of catering facilities of the University
The University of World Economy and Diplomacy announces a tender for the leasing of public catering facilities located on the territory of the university for the provision of catering services through the use of a set lunch system and (or) a wide range system. Object characteristic: The dining room includes 2 pavilions on two floors, 1 special room for special guests, a warehouse, 2 food preparation rooms. The staff of the university is 400 employees, as well as 1,500 students. Requirements: Compliance with the requirements of the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the provision of catering services.The possibility of providing hot meals to at least 400 people per day.Organization of trade in buffets with hot drinks and bakery products;Organization of coffee breaks, banquets and receptions on request.Conclusion of direct contracts for the purchase of electricity. Conclusion of contracts for the purchase of thermal energy and the organization of water supply for leased objects;Maintenance of rental objects in accordance with sanitary standards and fire safety requirements. Carrying out disinfection, deratization, disinsection, garbage disposal;Ensuring the safety of material assets of the leased equipment and premises;We invite all interested entrepreneurs, organizations and enterprises of all forms of ownership with experience in organizing public catering to submit their proposals by February 23, 2022. Contact person - Azamat Abidov Tel.: +998 94 6422225