Academic council
The Charter on the Scientific Council of the World Economy and Diplomacy University (2015)
The Charter on the Academic Council of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy (2024)
University of world economy and diplomacy
Academic council members
№ | Full name | Post |
1. | Safoev Sodiq Solihovich | First Deputy Chairman of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Rector of the University, Chairman of the Academic Council |
2. | Umarov Akram Azamatovich | First Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, PhD, Deputy Chairman of the Academic Council |
3. | Abdurakhmanova Mekhribon | Head of the Department of Uzbek and Russian Languages, Associate Professor, Secretary of the Academic Council |
4. | Yusupdjanov Odil Abdugafurovich | First vice-rector for youth issues and spiritual affairs, PhD |
5. | Ismailova Gulnoza Saydiganikhodjaevna | Vice-rector for Science and Innovation, DSc |
6. | Djalalov Muzaffar Muxitdinovich | Vice-Rector for Digital Transformation and Economy |
7. | Abdullayev Sherzod Madjidovich | Director of the Institute of Advance International Studies, DSc |
8. | Khaydarov Abdusamad Akhadovich | Director of the Diplomatic Academy, DSc |
9. | Turdimatov Amanbay Bazarbaevich | Advisor of the Rector |
10. | Murataev Serikbek Alpamisovich | Dean of the Faculty of International Law. |
11. | Khamdamov Mirzoumid Mirzayuldashevich | Dean of the Faculty of International Economy and Management, PhD |
12. | Arapov Sherzod Dekhkanbaevich | Dean of the Faculty of International Relations, PhD |
13. | Khodjayev Lutfiddin Rasulovich | Head of the language education center |
14. | Salakhitdinov Bakhrom Makhmudovich | Dean of the Faculty of the Executive Education, PhD |
15. | Mannopova Oydinkhan Sultanalievna | Executive Director of Academic Lyceum |
16. | Khasanov Ulugbek Atabaevich | Chief Editor of the "International Relations" magazine |
17. | Sultanova Etibor Siddikovna | Chairman of the University Women's Advisory Council, DSc |
18. | Raimova Gulnora Mirvalievna | Head of the Department of Systematic Analysis and Mathematical Modeling, DSc |
19. | Sharipova Umida Adkhamovna | Head of the Department of International Finance and Investments, PhD |
20. | Tashpulatova Laylo Maratovna | Head of the Department of World Economy, PhD |
21. | Ildar Kharasovich Yakubov | Head of the Department of International Relations, PhD |
22. | Masadikov Sherzodbek Makhmudovich | Head of the Department of Civil Law and International Private Law, PhD |
23. | Yusufalieva Rakhima Yusupovna | Head of the Department of International Law and Public Law, Chairwoman of the university labor union, PhD |
24. | Borisova Yelena Viktorovna | Head of the English language department |
25. | Mamatkasimova Vasila Akramdjanovna | Head of the Department of Roman-German Languages, PhD |
26. | Gafurova Hakima Shavkatovna | Head of the Department of Oriental Languages, PhD |
27. | Raimova Nargiza Doroenovna | Professor of the Department of Civil Law and International Private Law, DSc |
28. | Rasulov Abdujabbor Sattorovich | Professor of the Department of Systematic Analysis and Mathematical Modeling, DSc |
29. | Khamedov Isa Akhlimanovich | Professor of the Department of International Law and Public Law, DSc |
30. | Sirajiddinov Nishanbay | Professor of the Department of World Economy, DSc |
31. | Mavlanov Ibragim Radjabovich | Professor of the Department of International Finance and Investments, DSc |
32. | Bakoev Matyokub Teshaevich | Professor of the Department of Systematic Analysis and Mathematical Modeling, DSc |
33. | Muminova Nargis Yakubovna | Associate professor of the Department of International Relations, PhD |
34. | Abdullayeva Madina | Senior teacher of the "Political Science" department |
35. | Abdullaev Aziz Kurbanovich | Associate Professor of the Department of International Finance and Investments, PhD |
Permanent invited members of the meetings of the cademic council (UWED)
№ | Full name | Post |
1. | Dalimov Kakhramon Kakharovich | Headof Rector's office |
2. | Dustov Uchkun Rakhimovich | Head of the Educational and Methodological Department |
3. | Sheraliyev Muzaffar | Head of Education Quality Control Department |
4. | Nasirov Aziz Abdullaevich | Head of the Transformation Office |
5. | Siddiqova Marg‘uba Ilxomjon qizi | Head of Science and Innovation Department |
6. | Mo‘minov Ilxomjon Aktam o‘g‘li | Head of the Registrar's office |
7. | Shakirova Shokhida Yusupovna | Head of the Center: "Five important initiatives" |
8. | Urinov Shokirjan Farkhodovich | Chief accountant |
9. | Khasanov Bakhtiar Madaminovich | Head of Media Relations and Publishing Department |
10. | Xakimov Abdurashid Rustam o‘g‘li | Head of the Planning and Finance Department |
11. | Normetova Dilfuza Tilyaberganovna | Head of Personnel Department |
12. | Tashev Farrukh Muzaffarovich | Chief Legal Consultant |
13. | Beknazov Bekzod Oqiljon o‘g‘li | Chairman of the UWED Students’ Council |
14. | Rakhimov Akmalsher Rasulovich | Chairman of the Scientific Society, Senior student of the Faculty of "International Law" |