Legal documents
Financial activities
- Informarion about incomes and expenses of the unversity for 2023
- Report on the movement of budget funds
- Statement on the flow of funds for the Development Fund of a budgetary organization
- Report on the movement of funds received from the paid contract
The list of legal documents regulating the activities of JIDU under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan:
- Charter of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy (2022)
- Internal Regulations of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy (Internal Labor Regulations) (2022)
- Code of Ethics of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy (2022)
- Charter on the ethics commission of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy (2022)
- Academic regulations of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy (2024)
- Strategy “On the academic freedom policy of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy” (2022)
- The University of World Economy and Diplomacy regulation on "Employment Policy Against Modern Slavery" (2023)
- The University of World Economy and Diplomacy regulation on "Employment Policy Pay Scale Equity" (2023)
- The University of World Economy and Diplomacy regulations on "Employment practice equivalent rights outsourcing" (2023)
- The World Economy and Diplomacy University Regulation on the “Anti-Discrimination Employment Policy” (2023)
- Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PQ-4171 of February 11, 2019 on the organization of the branch of the federal state autonomous higher educational institution "Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation" in Tashkent about".
- Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated January 29, 2019 No. PQ-4139 "On measures to increase the effectiveness of personnel training, fundamental and applied research in the field of political science".
- Resolution No. 594 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated July 28, 2018. "On the approval of the regulation on the procedure for admission to undergraduate and graduate programs of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy".
- Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 21.06.18 No. PQ-3795. "On measures to fundamentally improve the activities of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy".
- PQ of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 05.06.2018 "On additional measures to improve the quality of education in higher education institutions and ensure their active participation in large-scale reforms implemented in the country" - Decree No. 3775.
- Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 04.06.2018 No. PQ-3769 "On admission to higher educational institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the 2018/2019 academic year".
- Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PQ-3698 dated 05.07.2018 "On additional measures to improve the mechanisms of introducing innovations into industry and economy".
- Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures to fundamentally improve the system of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan and strengthen its responsibility in the implementation of the priority directions of foreign policy and foreign economic activity". 5400 on 04.05.2018.
No. PQ-3655 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 04.05.2018 "On measures to improve the remuneration system for employees of higher education and research institutions of the Republic". - Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 4 new 261 of 2018 "On further improvement of the procedure for admission to higher education institutions".
Hourly wages for training sessions (MNO N 1-mx and MZTO N 2-k / k, 01.08.2018 No. 1-2018 registered by the Ministry of Justice with No. 2965 dated 18.01.2018 Annex to MHSSE decision no. - Regulation on the procedure for creating material conditions for doctoral students to carry out research and further stimulate their labor activity (Appendix 1 to Resolution No. 839 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated October 17, 2017)
Resolution No. 839 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 17.10.2017 "On creating material conditions for doctoral students to carry out scientific research work and further encouraging their work." - Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures to further expand the participation of economic sectors and branches in improving the quality of training of highly educated specialists" No. PQ-3151 of 07.27.2017.
- Resolution No. 393 of 20.06.2017 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On approval of the regulation on the procedure for admission, transfer, reinstatement and expulsion of students to higher education institutions".
- Resolution No. 304 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 22.05.2017 "On measures to further improve the post-university education system".
- Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures to further develop the higher education system" No. PQ-2909 dated 20.04.2017.
- Decision of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Supreme Economic Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan "Regulations of introduction and qualification practice of students to legal educational institutions (with the exception of military, special higher educational institutions), as well as the procedure for conducting practice" on approval of the statute on ". (Registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan on December 31, 2013 with No. 2548).
- "Etiquette rules of the higher educational institution" approved by the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
- Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Appeals of Natural and Legal Entities".
- Special criteria for certification of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy in order to prepare for international accreditation of university educational programs. (Registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan on January 20, 1999, list number 606).
- The procedure for selecting graduates of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy who studied on state grants based on a competition. (Registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan on January 20, 1999, list number 605).
- Resolution No. 225 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 22, 1998 "On measures to improve the activities of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy".
- The procedure for the qualification practice of students of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy. (Registered by the Youth affairs Agency.
- Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 23, 1992 №DP-474 “On the establishment of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy”