Executive Education
- Why Executive Education?
- What is the reason for the popularity of Executive Education?
- What areas are taught at Executive Education?
- UWED pilot project with the Civil Service Development Agency, the Agency for Strategic Reforms, the Ministry of Investments and Foreign Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan
- Program details
- Feedback from our members
- Our partners
- Faculty leadership
- List of upcoming study programs: Executive MBA / MPA
- Our contacts
Why Executive Education?
In international practice, Executive Education is a very popular and sought-after form of education for managers. It is intended for managers at various levels in both the public sector and private companies and non-profit organizations. The roots of Executive Education go back to the beginning of the last century. One of the founders of this direction is the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA), which in 1914 launched the “Ideal Manager” program for management engineers from large industrial companies and organizations. A little later, Harvard University began offering a short-term MBA basics program for executives. As the demand for executive education increased, in the 1980s and 1990s, Executive Education grew into an entire branch of executive education through a range of amenities and benefits. According to the Executive Education Open 2021 in newspapers of Financial Times, the top-90 business schools in 2020 trained more than 350,000 executives from various fields, directors of companies and enterprises.
What is the reason for the popularity of Executive Education?
First of all, the flexibility of the training format - from short-term courses to long-term diploma programs for managers of various levels. This format differs with very high quality, as it attracts the best professors and teachers, and the curricula contain case studies (examples) from the best international experience. The uniqueness of this format lies in the fact that students have practical experience in their field and have achieved certain success in career advancement. Since the training format is very interactive, while gaining theoretical and practical knowledge, program participants also enrich each other with practical experience, as well as expand the circle of professional contacts from different spheres and sectors of the economy.
Executive Education is part of continuing education and provides development opportunities for leaders at different stages of their careers. For some, this is a great opportunity to catch up, because at one time it was not possible to get the desired education. Others need to strengthen and expand certain areas of expertise in order to be ready for the next stage of their career. In general, this format allows you to keep up with time and gain new knowledge that will help you to face new challenges that arise in the rapidly changing modern world. Therefore, in international practice, even leaders with very high positions and ranks are not ashamed to come to the audience and, together with colleagues from other areas, participate in the Executive Education program.
What areas are taught at Executive Education?
Executive Education programs include basic disciplines in the field of management, finance, marketing, personnel management, corporate governance, project management and others, as well as relevant areas such as “Leadership and Strategy”, “Leadership Development Program”, “Effective Teams”, “Management of risks”, “Effective Communications”, “Capital Markets”, “Digital Transformation”, “Municipal Governance”, “Innovation Strategy” and others. The format can vary from 5-day programs to one-year degree programs such as Executive MBA, Executive MPA and others.
Faculty of Executive Education UWED
Based on the experience of leading universities in the world, the Faculty of Executive Education of UWED was opened as part of the initiative of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M. Mirziyoyev on a radical modernization of the system of retraining of the management of state institutions, top managers of government-owned companies and the private sectors. The main goal of the new faculty is to introduce the most advanced knowledge and international experience in the field of education for managers.
The activities of the new faculty include training managers and specialists in modern management and business methods, increasing competitiveness, familiarizing themselves with modern trends in global trade and investment activities, and experience in implementing the latest technologies in various sectors of the economy.
For the organization of training programs at the Faculty of Executive Education of the UWED, foreign professors and "know-how" belonging universities of the world are involved. The educational process takes place in the form of interactive seminars and conversations, based on examples (cases) from common practice, taking into account the conditions of Uzbekistan, which provides not only theoretical knowledge, but also practical skills based on common practice. Upon completion of training in the Executive Education programs, participants are issued official certificates of the international format.
UWED pilot project with the Civil Service Development Agency, the Agency for Strategic Reforms, the Ministry of Investments and Foreign Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
As part of a joint pilot project of the UWED with the Civil Service Development Agency, the Agency for Strategic Reforms, the Ministry of Investments and Foreign Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a series of educational programs were conducted for heads of ministries and departments, cities and regions, top managers of large state and private companies in Uzbekistan. In particular, such programs as "Leadership and strategy, management principles", "Attracting foreign investments. International investment law”, “Organization of the negotiation process, Effective negotiations”, “International communications”, “Modern industrial policy”. These programs were carried out with the involvement of UWED professors and leading foreign universities, including the University of Glasgow, Oxford University (Great Britain), ESSEC Business School (France), LUISS Business School (Italy), specialists from the commercial representation of the BBC Corporation.
Program details
“Organization of the negotiation process. Effective negotiations”
This program was conducted by Doctor of Political Science and Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Alisher Amanullaevich Fayzullaev. The program was aimed at mastering theoretical knowledge and practical skills of comprehensive preparation for negotiations, incl. setting a goal, studying the positions of the sides and psychological aspects, developing a negotiation strategy and tactics, mastering the methods of conducting complex negotiations and the features of intercultural interaction. The course was based on case studies from international practice, role plays and interactive discussions.
“Attracting foreign investment. International Investment Law and Arbitration”
Glasgow University professor Christian J. Tams, Oxford University professor Antonios Tzanakopoulos and UWED professor N. Sirajiddinov led the program.
With the participation of these professors, a training program was developed, in which the heads of cities and regions of Uzbekistan, top managers of large state and private companies in Uzbekistan, took part. During the classes, the role of foreign investment in the development of the economy, modern trends in the international movement of capital, and the policy of Uzbekistan in this area were considered.
The nature and structure of international investment relations, the economic aspects of international investment law, model investment agreements, the relationship between international investment law and domestic legislation were studied seperately. The focus of the classes was to ensure a favorable investment climate. Specific cases of interaction between the state and foreign investors from modern international practice were analyzed.
At the end of the cycle, the Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to the Republic of Uzbekistan Kim Hee-sang thoroughly acquainted the listeners with the practical experience of his country in attracting foreign investment and interacting with foreign investors.
“International communications and the formation of the image of the country”
In the context of the globalization of information flows, the active development of new communication formats and the constant emergence of new media platforms, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of building competent strategic and operational communications. The ability to establish a systematic approach in creating competitive and meaningful content is more relevant than ever. Together with the European Academy, an educational program was held International Communications and formation of the image of the country. The program was attended by heads of departments of PR and public relations, strategic planning, foreign economic and international cooperation of state institutions, public and private companies of Uzbekistan. An internationally recognized mass media expert, head of the commercial representation of the BBC Corporation, Sergei Stanovkin was invited as a moderator.
"International communications and the formation of the country's image".
The program was attended by heads of departments of PR and public relations, strategic planning, foreign economic and international cooperation of state institutions, public and private companies of Uzbekistan.
Sergei Stanovkin, an internationally recognized mass media expert, head of the commercial representation of the BBC Corporation, was invited as a moderator. The main topics of the program: organizing a public relations system, coordinating communications, organizing a crisis communications system, quickly and correctly responding to events, fake news, analyzing media platforms, creating content, searching for individual identity, linking national and corporate brands, special communication projects, individual communication skills, mistakes that can and should be learned from, success stories.
Within the framework of the program, successful world experience in the field of international communications and information technologies, modern ranges of communication tools, skills in information analysis and preparation of communication campaigns, adaptation and discussion of participants' work plans based on the information received were studied.
The educational process was held in the form of interactive seminars, based on examples (cases) from international practice based on the experience of Uzbekistan.
"Leadership and strategy, management principles".
Together with the ESSEC Business School (France), an educational program "Leadership and Strategy, Principles of Management" was conducted. The classes were conducted by an internationally recognized expert in management and leadership, ESSEC Faculty of Management Professor David Sluss.
The program was aimed at developing individual management skills of managers, psychological aspects of interaction, optimal methods of organizing work
and the process of transformation of organizations.
The training was conducted through interactive practical exercises and discussions using cases of effective management from Harvard University, materials from the Harvard Business Review, the Academy of Management Journal and practical exercises adapted to the conditions of work in Uzbekistan.
Separately, various management functions, ways of building sustainable teams, the art of motivating employees and achieving goals were studied. Program participants prepared presentations based on real problems from their work experience.
«Современная промышленная политика»
Совместно с Бизнес школой Университета LUISS (Италия) проведена программа «Современная промышленная политика». Занятия провел профессор факультета экономики, директор Центра прикладных исследований данного университета Маттео Джулиано Кароли (Matteo Giuliano Caroli), широко известной тесными корпоративными связями с промышленными кругами и инновационными решениями в сфере промышленного развития. Маттео Кароли является признанным специалистом в области управления, устойчивого развития и конкурентных стратегий, автором многочисленных статей в престижных международных изданиях.
В обучении участвовали руководители министерств и ведомств, отраслевых ассоциаций и крупный акционерных обществ, представители хокимиятов из регионов Узбекистана, ответственные за сферу промышленности.
Программа была нацелена на развитие у слушателей навыков анализа промышленного сектора на макроэкономическом уровне, в разрезе регионов и отраслей, применения методов повышения конкурентоспособности за счет естественных преимуществ и поощрения инновационного развития, разработки планов действий на примере передового международного опыта.
В ходе занятий изучены традиционные и современные методы промышленной политики, методы планирования и устойчивого промышленного развития, управления рисками, совершенствования процедур инвестирования на примере промышленной политики ЕС, плана индустриального восстановления и устойчивости Италии, особенностей промышленного развития Японии, Сингапура и другого международного опыта. Было рассмотрено много примеров из практики Германии и Италии, занимающих первое и второе места по объему промышленного производства в Европе. Посол Германии в Узбекистане д-р Тило Клиннер обстоятельно ознакомил слушателей с практическим опытом своей страны в развитии инновационных производственных кластеров.
Обучение проведено посредством интерактивных практических занятий и дискуссий. В ходе программы участники изучили два больших кейса Гарвардского университета и подготовили презентации по развитию конкретных регионов и отраслей Узбекистана на основе полученных знаний.
Feedback from our participants
Our training programs are attended by heads of ministries and departments, industry associations and large joint-stock companies, cities and regions of Uzbekistan, top managers of large public and private companies in Uzbekistan, heads of PR and public relations, strategic planning, foreign economic and international cooperation departments.
The study of students' assessments of the conducted programs shows a high level of interest and need for training executive personnel in the Executive Education format. Most of the participants note the significant benefits of the programs for improving their professional knowledge and skills, as well as for further career development. They will also highlight the high level of professors involved.
Usmanov Bekhzod Boburovich - First Deputy Chairman of the Board for Transformation of JSC "Uzbekneftegaz"
“Program “Modern industrial policy”. I liked the theme and structure of the presented material. In particular, the lecture of the German Ambassador was very interesting in terms of the historical development of industrial clusters in Germany and their interaction with each other. The training program on the topic "Industrial Policy" is very relevant given the ongoing economic reforms both in the country and in large companies. The issues raised will allow managers to build strategic plans for the transformation of current production processes, taking into account the experience of developed countries.
Separately, I would like to note that much attention in the program was given to such topics as business process automation, ecology and gender equality. Such elements of the program as strategic planning, determination of the goal and methods for achieving the goal, taking into account international experience - all this will be very useful in the activities of industrial enterprises, as well as for the further modernization of the regions. As part of the program, materials on the development of industry and business in such developed countries as Italy, Japan and Singapore were studied. Each student of the program was able to find useful information for reflection and implementation of applicable methods to determine the most optimal Industrial Policy. The program is organized at a high level. Materials were provided in advance, separate rooms were allocated for group work. Audience, screens and administrative support at the level of Western universities. The level of lecturers is also high. Special thanks to the translators for their professional work.”
Nazi Aripjanova - Public Relations and Communications Manager of Coca Cola, responsible for Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan
“I want to express my personal gratitude to the Department of Executive Education of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy for the initiative to organize the program “International Communications and Formation of the Image of the Country”. For those who make strategic decisions, it is important to understand global trends and how our actions are locally evaluated by the world community.
This course helped to open new horizons and understand how to build communications and position the brand of a country/company so that it is competitive on the global stage. During three intensive days of interactive training, we received a wealth of information, identified challenges and opportunities.
Communication with colleagues from other fields is an additional bonus to the course. I look forward to other courses and recommend to the leaders of companies that set ambitious goals for the company to use this opportunity.”
Juraev Bahodir Ermatovich - Head of the Department for Transformation of Large State Enterprises of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan
“Very useful program. The presentation of the material is very good. Complex material is explained as simply as possible. The relevance of the topic is expressed by the fact that it is fully consistent with the current reforms carried out in the Republic of Uzbekistan. Many thanks to the teacher (professor): to receive answers to all questions that arise. Simultaneous translation from English with the involvement of professional translators helped to get acquainted with the program as efficiently as possible. The organizers, the university staff, did an excellent job of all organizational issues.”
Kalonkhujaev Rasokhon Rustamkhuzha ugli - director of UzOman Capital LLC
“I would like to express my deep gratitude to the UWED Executive Education for organizing the program “International Communications and Building the Image of the Country”. It was very informative and interesting as the lecturer shared his international experience. I am of the opinion that all international and local companies should pay attention to such programs and send their employees.
The program was intense and relevant, especially due to recent events in the world. My professional area is not directly related to this direction, but those questions that interested me, in particular about positioning, opened up in a very interesting way for me! Lecturer Sergey Stanovkin shared his vast experience and professional knowledge in his field.”
Ilkhom Karimov - deputy mayor of the city of Gulistan, Syrdarya region:
“I wanted to express my gratitude to the MIFT and UWED. This course brought our potential to a higher level, through the study of very relevant methods and information. This training course helped me overcome many shortcomings in personal work, learn how to negotiate, including verbal and non-verbal communication, work in groups, and also leadership. In addition, I widely use the knowledge gained in this program in my work. The program opens up great opportunities and increases the effectiveness of the ongoing reforms in Uzbekistan.
It is important to use new knowledge productively in one of the most pressing issues of our time - the industrialization of agriculture; in addition, there is a possibility of their application in other areas.
It would be very effective training in this program for leaders in all areas. Because today our leader's demands are focusing on new thinking, changing their areas of expertise. This program is very useful and effective for every leader who wants to fulfill these requirements and contribute to the rapid development of Uzbekistan.”
Shamsiev Azamat Takhirovich - Director of JV LLC "TORGOVIY DOM METALLOINVEST VOSTOK"
“We express our gratitude for the excellent organization of the program “Modern Industrial Policy”, conducted at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy. The professionalism of Professor Matteo Caroli and a deep theoretical approach were successfully combined with the practical part of the program, thanks to the analysis of modern cases, using the example of actively developing countries. The material is interesting and, most importantly, specific and useful. Everything was clear, accessible, at a high level, to all questions and difficulties in the course of training, the Professor gave detailed answers.
In the future, for such programs, I would like to note the need to provide practical and theoretical materials adapted to the economies of the countries of Central Asia, in order to actively apply the acquired knowledge in the industrial sectors of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Once again, we thank the organizers for the opportunity.”
Daniyar Karimov - Director of the Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Combine (AMMC) Training Center:
“I am very pleased to take part in the training course “Leadership and Strategy, Principles of Management”, organized by the leadership of the University of International Economics and Diplomacy. After completing this program, I realized that most of the leaders of manufacturing enterprises are confused in their internal politics, and, moreover, they must work as leaders based on the requirements of today.
Even more, they should not work as bosses, but be leaders of teams”
I am glad that this training course was organized with the participation, in addition to the deputy heads of ministries and departments, as well as representatives of large manufacturing enterprises. Because today there is an opportunity to exchange views on the policy pursued in different regions of our republic and the situation at large manufacturing enterprises. I hope this will help executives become real leaders.”
Yahyo Avazov - CFO of SD Mall and Compass Malls:
“I would like to note that, firstly, this program is organized at a high organizational level, and secondly, the objectives of the training course have been fully achieved. It aroused great interest among the participants, I would especially like to note that part of the classes, when there were question-answer sessions, discussions of the topics covered.
We not only gained knowledge, but also learned how to use new technical opportunities, such as, for example, the Google Scholar program. In general, I am very happy, I was able to get a lot of useful information. This course is very useful for leaders.”
Dzhonuzokov Shukhrat Kuvandikovich - deputy khokim of the city of Navoi, head of the Department of Investments and Foreign Trade.
“I would like to express my deep gratitude to the University of World Economy and Diplomacy and special gratitude to the organizers of the program - the Faculty of Executive Education, who did a great job organizing the program “Attracting Foreign Investments. International Investment Law and Arbitration”. The knowledge we have gained is very important for our professional activity.
We have discovered many new aspects of this direction, which may not have been paid enough attention before. The knowledge we have gained is very relevant and we will start using it from today. I would like to thank you again and wish you good luck in your future endeavors. Don't stop organizing these kinds of courses. I would like to offer, as far as possible, to organize similar courses, but already in the developed countries of the world. To see everything in practice first hand. I think such programs would also be very interesting and useful for our immediate supervisors.”
List of upcoming study programs
Currently, UWED, together with foreign partners, is working to expand the portfolio of programs in the Executive Education format.
New programs will include the following areas:
Short-term programs in relevant areas
Adapted programs for organizations
Executive MBA and MPA - Diploma Programs
Online programs
Faculty leadership
Salakhitdinov Bakhrom Makhmudovich - Dean of the Executive Faculty - Education / Education for Executives
e-mail: bsalakhitdinov@uwed.uz
Salakhitdinov Bakhrom Makhmudovich has many years of experience in diplomatic service, held senior positions in the central office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the United States. He has the diplomatic rank of First Secretary First Class.
Salakhitdinov B.M. has extensive experience in corporate governance, strategy, business development and investment consulting, held senior positions in large international companies.
Salakhitdinov B.M. joined the team of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy in 2021 as Dean of the newly created Faculty of Executive Education/Education for Executives.
B. Salakhitdinov graduated from the Daniels Business School of the University of Denver with an Executive MBA (2008), the Management Program of the Harvard University Business School (2000), the Diplomatic Program of the University of Birmingham (1994), Bachelor's and Master's programs at TIIAME. He has a PhD degree. Fluent in English and Russian.
Our partners
Our contacts
Phone: (+998 71) 267-39-50
Fax: (+998 71) 267-09-00
Email Mail: rektorat@uwed.uz
Address: 100007, Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Mustakillik avenue, 54.