Turayeva Suriya Tel'manovna

Turayeva Suriya Tel'manovna

    Turayeva Suriya Tel'manovna

    Turayeva Suriya Tel'manovna

    Professor majoring in Environmental Protection and rational use of natural resources

    Russian, Uzbek, English

    Environmental security and diplomacy
    Ecological tourism

    Biography Facts

    Suriya Turaeva has been working at the Department of International Economics of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy for twenty years. Previously, she worked as a senior lecturer at the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology at the Department of Industrial Ecology.


    “Personal development” - Textbook Т., 2008, supported by UNDP;
    “International Ecology”- Training manual 2006,  UWED;
    “Ecology” - Т., 2011, UWED;
    “Methods of Scientific Research” – Training Manual Т., 2013, UWED;
    “Problems of Energy Security and Diplomacy". Guidelines for practial assignments, 2014;
    More than 38 scientific articles in National and International Conferences.