Ilkhomjonov Ibrokhim Ilkhomjon ugli
Ilkhomjonov Ibrokhim Ilkhomjon ugli
Department: The International Economics
• International Economics
• Globalization of the World Economy
Uzbek, English, Russian.
LinkedIn, Google Scholar, Research Gate, Academia, Web of Science, ORCID.
Biography Facts
Ibrohim Ilhomjonov works as a senior lecturer. Before that, he worked as a specialist in financial and trading companies, and then as an expert in foreign economic activity. At the university, he conducts lectures and seminars on the subjects of World Economy, International Economics I and International Economics II. More than 15 of his scientific theses and articles on the study of international trade, foreign investments, state institutions and the competitiveness of the national economy have been published in scientific journals and collections of scientific and practical conferences. He has also prepared a teaching methodical manual and is a co-author of a monograph. He conducted scientific research as a leading researcher of the applied research project “Increasing the competitiveness of the economy of Uzbekistan in the context of liberalization and deepening economic reforms”. He is also a participant in the scientific laboratory “Model of socio-economic development of foreign countries” under the department. Ibrohim Ilhomjonov is a graduate of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy (bachelor's degree in 1999, master's degree in 2003).
Ibrohim Ilhomjonov, Akbarali Yakubov. The impact of the trade war between china and the USA on the world economy. INNOVATION IN THE MODERN EDUCATION SYSTEM: a collection scientific works of the International scientific conference (25th May , 2024) – Washington, USA: "CESS", 2024. 508-522 p.
Ilhomjonov Ibrohim Ilhomjon o’g’li. Singapur iqtisodiy rivojlanishida davlat istitutlarining roli. ‘‘Ўзбекистонда илмий тадқиқотлар: Даврий анжуманлар:’’ мавзусидаги республика 42-кўп тармоқли илмий масофавий онлайн конференция материаллари тўплами, 31 июль 2022 йил. - Тошкент: «Tadqiqot», 2022. - 34 б.
Akmal Khudaykulov, Ibrokhim Ilkhomjonov, Dilafruz Murodova, Dilafruz Azimova. SMEs' Innovative and Diversification Capabilities: Leveraging IT to Achieve Sustainable Performance. International Journal of Innovation and Economic Development. Volume 8, Issue 5, December, 2022 Pages 7-14. DOI:
Иброхим Илхомжонов. Теоретические основы влияния качества институтов и государственного управления на конкурентоспособность экономики. “Управление экономикой, системами, процессами” III Международная научно-практическая конференция, Самарский национальный исследовательский университет им. акад. С.П. Королева. Сборник статьей – Пенза, 25-26 октября 2019 г.
Г. Орипова., И. Илхомжонов. Развитие транспорной инфрасруктуры в Узбекисане как фактор повышения конкреноспособноси экономики страны. Международный научный журнал “Молодой ученый” #22 (260), май 2019
Н. Сиражиддинов, С.А.Закирова, Г.К.Султанова, И.И.Илхомжонов, Л.У.Мингишов. Повышение конкурентоспособности экономики Узбекистана в условиях либерализации и углубления экономических реформ. Монография. Т.: “IQTISODIYOT”, 2021. 300 c.