Sultanova Gavkhar Karimovna

Sultanova Gavkhar Karimovna

    Sultanova Gavkhar Karimovna

    Sultanova Gavkhar Karimovna

    Departments of "International Economics"
    • Departments of UWED WTO
    • Tashkent Center for Excellence in European Studies named after Jean Monnet
    • International economy
    •    World economy
    •    Institutional economy

    Biography Facts

    Gavkhar Sultanova - Associate Professor of the Department of International Economics, University of World Economy and Diplomacy. She began her career at UWED in 2004 as a trainee teacher at the Department of International Economic Relations. In 2008, she received a PhD in Economics with a degree in World Economy. In 2022 he was awarded the title of Associate Professor.


    • N.Sirazhiddinov, Zakirova S.A., Sultanova G.K., Mingishov L.U., Ilhomjonov I.I. Improving the competitiveness of Uzbekistan in the context of liberalization and deepening economic reforms: Monograph. – T.: “IQTISODIYOT”, 2021. – 300 p.
    • Sultanova G.K., Kurbanbayeva N.B. Problems and prospects for the development of innovation activity in Uzbekistan: Monograph. - T .: Publishing house "ILM-ZIYO-ZAKOVAT", 2016. - 166 p.
    Articles and book chapters
    • Sultanova, G., Umarova, S. Development of industrial cooperation in Central Asian countries (Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan). – Logistics and Diplomacy in Central Asia. – Editions EMS, 2022. P. 31-46
    • Sultanova G.K., Agzamov S.Kh. Empirical analysis of factors of informal employment in countries with economies in transition. Problems and prospects for the development of the digital economy: monograph / col. authors / ed. M.Yu. Arkhipova, V.E. Afonina. - Moscow: RUSSIGNS, 2022. - P. 315-335. (Chapter 21).
    • Sultanova G.K. International economic relations. Teaching aid. - Tashkent: "EFFECT-D", 2020. - 248 p.
    • Sirajiddinov N., Sultanova G.K. Methodological guide for solving typical problems in the course "International Economic Relations". For students studying in the specialty "International Economic Relations". - Tashkent, UWED, 2016. - 43 pages.
    • Sirajiddinov N., Sultanova G.K., Khamdamov M.M., Shermatova N.M. Textbook for the course "International Economic Relations". Part I. Theory of international trade and foreign trade policy. - T .: UWED, 2012. - 244 p.
    • Sirajiddinov N., Sultanova G.K., Khamdamov M.M., Shermatova N.M. Textbook for the course "International Economic Relations". Part II. - T .: UWED, 2012. - 167 p.