Toniyans Georgiy Surenovich

Toniyans Georgiy Surenovich

    Toniyans Georgiy Surenovich

    Toniyans Georgiy Surenovich

    In 1974 he graduated from the Faculty of Material and Technical Supply of the Tashkent Institute of National Economy with a degree in Economics. After graduating from the institute, he was enrolled as a junior researcher at the NIIE from the Computing Center of the State Planning Commission of the UzSSR. In 1976, he entered full-time postgraduate studies at the Tashkent Institute of National Economy. In 1981 he defended his PhD thesis. From 1980 to 1986 he worked as an assistant and then as a senior lecturer at the Department of Political Economy at the Tashkent Institute of National Economy. From 1986 to 1992 senior lecturer, acting assistant professor at the Tashkent Higher Party School. 1990 - 1992 worked as an assistant professor at the Institute of Political Science and Management. 1992 -2005 - associate professor, acting head Department of "World Economy and International Business", since 2005 head. Department of Micro-macroeconomics, since 2014 Professor of the Department of Economic Theory.

    During his work at the university, he worked with 1.5-year students of all faculties, masters.

    Biography Facts

    Research interests: Population and demographic problems of Uzbekistan, analysis of the labor market, the concept of human development.

    Courses taught: Economic theory.


    "Problems of the population of Uzbekistan" - monograph, Tashkent, TINH, 1985.
    "Country branding" - monograph, UWED, 2013.
    “Iktisodiyot Nazariyasi” - Darslik (Hammuallif Abduganiyev A.A.), ZhIDU, 2002.
    “Human Development” – textbook, 2009.
    Scientific articles in the indicated areas (total number 50).