Sirajiddinov Nishanbay

Sirajiddinov Nishanbay

    Sirajiddinov Nishanbay

    Sirajiddinov Nishanbay

    He graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the Samarkand Cooperative Institute with a degree in Accounting with the qualification of an economist. In 1986 he entered the graduate school of the Moscow Institute of Management and in 1989 he defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic "Statistical methods for determining equivalent comparative efficiency" in the specialty "Statistics". In 2000 he was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor. In 2005 he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Theoretical and methodological aspects of increasing the efficiency of foreign trade of Uzbekistan”, and in the same year he was awarded the degree of Doctor of Economics. From 1998-2008, he headed the Department of International Economic Relations, from 2009 to the present, Professor of the Department of Economics and Economics, UWED.

    Biography Facts

    Research interests: International trade, monetary policy, macroeconomics

    Courses taught: International economic relations.


    Sirajiddinov N. Problems of Improving the Efficiency of Uzbekistan's Foreign Trade: Theoretical and Methodological Aspects. - Tashkent, UWED, 2004. -224 p.
    N. Sirajiddinov. Khalkaro iqtisodiy munosabatlar fani namunaviy dasturi (HIM talimi yunalishi uchun). - Tashkent, UWED, 2006.
    Sirajiddinov N., Mukhamedkhanova K. Improving trade policy for human development. Tashkent, United Nations Development Program. – 88 p.
    Modeling and Forecasting Income Tax Revenue: The Case of Uzbekistan
    Sirajiddinov N. Handel Zagraniczny i politika handlomer. In the book: "Uzbekistan: historia - spoleszenst-wo - polityk". – Warszava, 2001, p. 363-371 (Poland tilida).
    Sirajiddinov N. Managing Globalization in Uzbekistan. Managing Globalization in Selected Countries with Economies in Transition. – UN, New-York, 2003, pp. 129-152 (Ynglis tilida).
    Sirajiddinov N. Economic reforms in Uzbekistan. In the book: "Central Asia: own view". - Bishkek, 2006, pp. 415-448.
    Sirajiddinov N. Uzbekistan: the path to export-oriented development. Journal "World Economy and International Relations", Moscow, 2002, No. 7, pp. 88-92.
    Sirazhiddinov N. On the way to the conversion of the national currency. Journal "Economic Review", No. 8, 2002, pp. 27-33.
    Sirajiddinov N. Currency policy of Uzbekistan: problems and prospects. Journal "Economics, Entrepreneurship, Environment". - Moscow, 2003, No. 4, pp. 55–66.
    Sirajiddinov N. Economic policy in Malaysia after gaining independence and its results. Journal "Economic Review", No. 8, 2003, pp. 7-11.
    Sirajiddinov N. Liberalization of foreign trade operations and the competitiveness of the national economy. Journal "Economic Review", 2004, No. 11, pp. 67 - 72.
    M.Ibragimov, R.Ibragimov, Sirajiddinov N. Modeling and Forecasting Income Tax Revenue: The Case of Uzbekistan. Journal: Income Distribution: Inequalities, Impacts and Incentives. New York, 2009, pp. 185-189
    Sirajiddinov N. Liberalization of Foreign Exchange Market: Challenges and Perspectives. Journal ““International Relations: Economics”, Politics, Law”, UWED, No. 3, 2002, pp. 35-46.