A scientific and practical seminar of the Methodological Council was held at UWED

A scientific and practical seminar of the Methodological Council was held at UWED

    A scientific and practical seminar of the Methodological Council was held at UWED

    A scientific and practical seminar of the Methodological Council was held at UWED

    In the course of Uzbekistan’s foreign political and economic priorities it is crucial and relevant to provide an applied research of country’s accession to the WTO and regular expertise over the strategic opportunities and competitive advantages of the country, short- and long-term prospects and challenges. Previously during the series of workshops on Uzbekistan’s accession to the WTO the Council has already organized special issue discussion with the participation of Professor, Dr. Akhmedov D., Professor, Dr. Sirazhiddinov N., and D.Sc. Yakubkhodjaev U.

    Subsequent academic seminar was hosted on February 27, 2025. As a key speaker Professor N. Sirajiddinov in his report on “Uzbekistan’s accession to the WTO: challenges and prospects” shared his views on the announced issue with the University leaders, professors, PhD researchers and students.

    In his report and presentation the author among the prospects for joining the Organization, featured a decrease in the level of (1) import protectionism and strong price distortions, (2) monopoly in certain sectors of the economy, (3) lobbying by MNEs and a competitive environment creation, as well as improvement of the investment climate, stimulating FDI inflows, benefits for exporters expressed in reducing trade barriers, transparency and predictability of trade, protection from discrimination and unfair trade measures, the ability to influence international legal trade rules.

    Scholar delineated the following short term challenges and risks: increased competition among local producers, the need to adapt to international standards, reduced budget revenues, limited opportunities to protect national production; in the long term: dependence on foreign markets, the need for constant reforms, restrictions in the implementation of public policy, difficulties while protecting interests in the WTO.

    According to the author, the organization of the accession process aimed at minimizing costs and maximizing benefits, as well as the need to constantly improve economic policy, are of particular importance.

    The closing part of the academic discussion was followed by the Q&A session, when participants of the event commented with relevant views on raised issues.