UWED hosted the event “My Native Language – the Pride of the Nation”

UWED hosted the event “My Native Language – the Pride of the Nation”

    UWED hosted the event “My Native Language – the Pride of the Nation”

    UWED hosted the event “My Native Language – the Pride of the Nation”

    On October 21 of this year, the University of World Economy and Diplomacy hosted the event “My Native Language – the Pride of the Nation”, which was attended by faculty and students.

    Opening the event with an introductory speech, the first vice-rector for youth issues and spiritual and educational affairs of UWED Odil Yusupjanov noted that within the framework of the month of the Uzbek language, dedicated to the 35th anniversary of the Uzbek language being granted the status of a state language, essay, video and mass dictation competitions were held in order to increase the sense of respect for the native language and determine responsibility for its preservation. "The Uzbek language is one of the oldest and richest languages ​​in the world. It is a symbol of national self-awareness and independent statehood for our people, an invaluable spiritual wealth, a huge value that occupies an important place in the political, social, spiritual and educational development of the country, but at the same time, we are faced with a number of tasks to further improve the state language," - O. Yusupjanov emphasized.

    During the celebration, a video was presented focusing on the importance of knowing the state language. The video emphasized the beauty and richness of the Uzbek language, its unique style and importance for preserving cultural heritage.

    After that, the university students presented thematic scenes that vividly demonstrated various aspects of Uzbek culture and language. They clearly showed how language connects generations and helps express national identity.

    During the event, there was also a quiz on knowledge of the Uzbek language, where participants tested their skills and expanded their knowledge.

    The final chord of the holiday was the performance of a bright national dance, which added an atmosphere of joy and pride for the cultural heritage of Uzbekistan to the event.

    For information. In October of this year, the Uzbek and Russian Languages ​​Department of UWED declared the month of the Uzbek language and held a number of events. In particular, the following events were held among the university students: “mass dictation” through the platform www.tilbilig.uz, a video contest on the topic “native language - you are the wing of my soul”, an essay contest on the topic “Globalization and national languages ​​(the fate of the native language is in my hands)”, as well as a dictation contest among the university staff “The most literate employee”.