Strategic partnership between TIIAME National Research University and UWED: New Horizons of Water Diplomacy and Scientific Research

Strategic partnership between TIIAME National Research University and UWED: New Horizons of Water Diplomacy and Scientific Research

    Strategic partnership between TIIAME National Research University and UWED: New Horizons of Water Diplomacy and Scientific Research

    Strategic partnership between TIIAME National Research University and UWED: New Horizons of Water Diplomacy and Scientific Research

    On May 10, 2024, a meeting took place at the National Research University “Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers” (TIIAME) between Akram Umarov, the First Vice-rector for Academic Affairs at UWED, and Abdulhakim Salokhiddinov, the Vice-rector for International Cooperation at TIIAME.

    At the beginning of the conversation, A. Salokhiddinov provided a brief overview of TIIAME's history, ongoing initiatives, and long-term plans for expanding research potential and international relations. The parties exchanged views on the progress made in organizing an upcoming international seminar on water diplomacy, scheduled to be held at TIIAME in partnership with UWED in August of the same year.

    Recognizing the relevance of water use and climate change issues in Central Asia, both parties expressed their commitment to establishing a coordination platform for conducting fundamental and applied research on water and climate-related matters. A. Salokhiddinov specifically acknowledged UWED's potential in organizing short-term courses on negotiations and diplomatic protocol for young researchers and specialists in the field of water resources.

    In conclusion, the parties confirmed their aspirations to launch joint educational programs and research projects.