A conference of young scientists was held at University of World Economy and Diplomacy
A conference of young scientists was held at University of World Economy and Diplomacy

On November 21 of this year, the University of World Economy and Diplomacy held an international scientific-practical conference of young scientists on the topic "Uzbekistan - 2030 strategy from the perspective of young scientists: economy, politics and law".
The international scientific-practical conference of young scientists was attended by N.Nugmanov, Vice-rector for scientific affairs and innovations of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy, M.Abdullaeva, chairman of the Council of Young Scientists of UWED, doctoral students, master's and bachelor's students of UWED.
The purpose of this conference was to exchange opinions, professional experience and knowledge on current topics in the fields of economy, politics and law in the Strategy of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2030. In it, opinions and experiences were exchanged regarding the growing role of Uzbekistan in global politics, the necessary investments in the economy of Uzbekistan, the energy sector, as well as the development of information security, parliamentarism and similar state sectors in the legal sphere of Uzbekistan. Also, at the end of the conference, it was agreed to further increase such initiatives.
A collection of scientific theses will be published at the end of the conference.