An event dedicated to Constitution Day was held

An event dedicated to Constitution Day was held

    An event dedicated to Constitution Day was held

    An event dedicated to Constitution Day was held

    On December 6 of this year, an event dedicated to Constitution Day was held at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy.

    First of all, students watched a short video about the Supreme Law of the State and its functions.

    The first Vice-Rector for Youth Affairs and Spiritual Educational Work O. Yusupdjanov also spoke at the event with warm wishes and valuable advice.

    “Such great feelings as justice, truth, faith, nobility, generosity and tact have received their rightful place in the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan,” he noted.

    Later, a talented student of the Faculty of International Economics and Management, Zhasurbek Usmonkulov, performed the song “Motherland” in front of the audience.

    It is worth noting how the 1st year students of the Faculty of International Law spoke and explained in detail about innovations and changes in the Constitution in their short speeches.

    As part of the event, a survey of students was also conducted about the foundations, history and changes in the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, where students received a lot of new useful information.