A meeting was held at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy with the representatives of the Hanns Seidel Foundation in the Republic of Uzbekistan
A meeting was held at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy with the representatives of the Hanns Seidel Foundation in the Republic of Uzbekistan

On October 13 of this year, a conversation was held at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy about the main activities of the German Hans-Seidel Foundation and scholarship opportunities offered to students.
During the conversation, head of the representative office of the Hanns-Seidel Foundation in the Republic of Uzbekistan Dustov Zhavkhar Ravshanovich and intern of the representative office of the Hanns-Seidel Foundation in the Republic of Uzbekistan Islamova Shahrizoda Anvarovna made presentations on the topic “Activities of the Hanns-Seidel Foundation and opportunities for obtaining scholarships for studying in Germany from the Hanns-Seidel Foundation”, as well as “Differences between public administration systems Germany and Uzbekistan."
Furthermore, during the conversation an interactive survey was conducted among students through the Kahoot system on the topic “The public administration system of Germany and Uzbekistan”. Students who actively participated in the event were awarded places of honor and prizes:
1st place – Otabek Suyunov – 3rd-year student, Faculty of International Law;
2nd place – Rashidov Javokhir – 3rd-year student, Faculty of International Relations;
3rd place – Okmamatova Shakhribonu – 2nd-year student, Faculty of International Law.
At the closing part of the meeting, representatives of the Hanns-Seidel Foundation answered questions from students.
The event was measurably informative for participants and made great interest to study abroad, especially higher education in Germany.