UWED students visited the Republican Opera and Ballet Theater named after Alisher Navoi

UWED students visited the Republican Opera and Ballet Theater named after Alisher Navoi

    UWED students visited the Republican Opera and Ballet Theater named after Alisher Navoi

    UWED students visited the Republican Opera and Ballet Theater named after Alisher Navoi

    On March 25 of this year, Amina Atabekova, a teacher of the Department of Uzbek and Russian Languages of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy and the head of the "Mask" club, together with first-year students of the UWED, visited the Republican Opera and Ballet Theater named after Alisher Navoi.

    This theater is a significant cultural landmark of Uzbekistan, where both world premieres and famous productions are held. Before the start of the performance, students were introduced to the history of the theater, its cultural significance and features of the repertoire.

    The performance made a deep impression on the students. The majestic stage, costumes, orchestra and the skill of the performers left unforgettable emotions. For many students, this was the first acquaintance with this type of art, and they noted the high quality of performance and professionalism of the participants.

    Students expressed admiration for the skill of the artists and described the theater as an important cultural value. Some of them stressed that visiting the theater broadened their horizons and gave new ideas about the role of theatrical art in the life of society, significantly enriching their cultural experience.