The cultural and educational event "Milliy qadriyatlar sayli" was held

The cultural and educational event "Milliy qadriyatlar sayli" was held

    The cultural and educational event "Milliy qadriyatlar sayli" was held

    The cultural and educational event "Milliy qadriyatlar sayli" was held

    On October 19 of this year, the management and students of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy, within the framework of the project "Ma'rifat Ulashib", on the occasion of the 35th anniversary of assigning the Uzbek language the status of the state language, held a cultural and educational event called "Milliy Qadriyatlar Sayli".

    The event featured various performances by UWED students, in particular: poetic compositions dedicated to the Uzbek language; national dances prepared by the Ofarin dance group; a game by the Zakovat club; as well as performances based on the works of Abdulla Kahhor and the play "Jadidlar" prepared by the Diplomat theater studio.

    Also, the UWED FORCE (SHIELD) team, members of sports clubs and students held National Games competitions (tug of war, karaptep, "five stones" and other sports games).