JUSTIFICATION for the increase in the amount of tuition fees for contractual undergraduate and graduate studies at UWED

JUSTIFICATION for the increase in the amount of tuition fees for contractual undergraduate and graduate studies at UWED

    JUSTIFICATION for the increase in the amount of tuition fees for contractual undergraduate and graduate studies at UWED

    JUSTIFICATION for the increase in the amount of tuition fees for contractual undergraduate and graduate studies at UWED

    The grounds for the increase in tuition fees at the UWED. (Undergraduate and postgraduate courses)

        The increase in the amount of the tuition fees at the UWED has taken place based on Presidential Decree №. PD-3795 dated 21 June 2018 “On measures to radically improve the activities of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy” and Presidential Decree № PD-3795 dated 24 December 2021 “On measures to ensure financial independence of state higher education institutions”. On the basis of Resolution №.61, which considers the costs of training highly qualified personnel and the development strategy of the higher education institution, as well as the supply and demand in the market of educational services, the basic fees for bachelor's and master's degrees may be established annually based on the fees for the relevant directions of the state higher education institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan and it is allowed to increase the amount up to three times of the basic fee.

        Based on these decisions, the University independently sets tuition fees for fee-paying students from the 2018-2019 academic year:

    Name of educational directions

    Academic years

    Contract amount without stipend

    (thousand Sums)

    Contract amount with stipend

    (thousand Sums)

    Bachelor's degree


    18 385,0

    22 116,0


    17 316,0

    22 116,0


    15 584,0

    20 720,4

    2021-2022 (*)

    18 991,0

    25 205,5


    18 991,0

    25 205,5


    18 991,0

    25 205,5

    Master's degree


    20 597,0

    24 327,0


    19 527,0

    24 327,0


    17 575,0

    22 711,0

    2021-2022 (*)

    21 622,0

    27 836,5


    21 622,0

    27 836,5


    21 622,0

    27 836,5


        By the decision of the State Commission for Coordination of Admission to State Higher Education Institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan, students vaccinated against coronavirus are granted a 10% discount.

        University tuition fees, set for the 2018-2019 academic year on a paid contractual basis, are still largely unchanged.

        Following the decisions of the State Commission on Coordination of Admission Processes to State Higher Education Institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the tuition fees for the 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 academic years remain unchanged, i.e., in the amount set for 2021-2022.

        Based on the Decrees of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On increasing the amount of wages” from 2019 to the present, the average monthly salary of employees and faculty has increased two (2) times.

        Also, the cost of utilities (electricity, natural gas, heat, cold water, and other services) increased on average by 3 times.

        Taking into account the abovementioned  factors, as well as the expected expenditures of the university for 2024-2025, the amount of payment for the 1st year students is 29.428 million (3 times the amount from 9.8 million sums recommended by the government for the directions of study at the UWED for 2023-2024) and increasing (indexing) by 25% the amount of the contract established for 2023-2024 academic year for 2-4 years students of bachelor's and master's degree courses, the Supervisory Board of the UWED by the decision dated by July 23rd, 2024 approved the following tuition fees of for 2024-2025 academic year:




     tuition fee  without stipend

    (thousand Sums)

    tuition fee with stipend

    (thousand Sums)


    Bachelor's degree




    1st year students

    29 428,00


    35 642,56


    2nd-4th year students

    23 740,00


    31 814,56


    Foreign undergraduate students

    (Has a document of permanent residence in the Republic of Uzbekistan)

    38 400,00



    International undergraduate students


    44 800,00



    Master's degree




    Master's students

    27 028,00


    33 242,56


    Foreign students of Master's degree program

    (if he or she has a document of permanent residence in the Republic of Uzbekistan)

    44 800,00



    International Master's students


    51 200,00
