Uzbekistan’s accession to the WTO was discussed at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy
Uzbekistan’s accession to the WTO was discussed at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy

On November 20 of this year, an international round table was held at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy on the topic “Accession of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the WTO: current status and problems”.
It was attended by the First Deputy Chairman of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis, the rector of UWED Sodyq Safoev, the special representative of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on WTO issues Aziz Urunov, representatives of the teaching staff of UWED, as well as scientists and experts from foreign universities.
Addressing the participants of the event, Sodyq Safoev drew attention to the relevance of Uzbekistan’s accelerated accession to the WTO, including taking into account the goals set for the medium- and long-term development of the country.
“Only joint efforts of all interested parties can lead to positive results,” he emphasized.
In turn, the special representative of the President for WTO issues Aziz Urunov highlighted two main goals facing the country in the context of joining the WTO: increasing competition in the domestic market and increasing the competitiveness of manufactured goods.
As part of the round table, a detailed discussion took place of the Resolution of the President of the country “On additional measures to accelerate the process of accession of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the World Trade Organization,” adopted in June of this year.
During the discussion, the participants conducted an in-depth analysis of the current state and problems associated with Uzbekistan’s accession to the WTO and put forward specific proposals for solving them.