The University stage of the “Student Theater Studios” competition was held at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy
The University stage of the “Student Theater Studios” competition was held at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy

The role of theater in raising the spiritual world of people, deepening consciousness and thinking is boundless. After all, art calls and encourages people to do good, gives the most beautiful feelings. Theater is not just a spectator hall, it is a place of education, culture, spirituality and enlightenment. According to one of the founders of the Uzbek theater, Mahmudkhoja Behbudi, “Theater is a temple of enlightenment”.
Thanks to the efforts of our President, the development of culture and art, in particular theater, has become one of the priority areas in our country. In particular, the first direction of the “Five Important Initiatives” program also serves to increase the interest of young people in music, painting, literature, theater and other art forms, as well as to reveal their talents. In this regard, in our University, within the framework of the “Five Important Initiatives” center, the “Diplomat” student theater studio is also developing, which opens up creative students.
On November 3 of this year, the faculty university stage of the “Student Theater Studios” competition was held. Teams formed from the faculties of “International Relations”, “International Economics and Management” and “International Law” took part in it.
Talented students presented performances “Unfading Stars”, reflecting the life and activities of great Jadid enlighteners, “The Brides’ Rebellion”, which reflects Uzbek national customs and values, and “For Happiness”, which raises topical problems of the present.
At the end of the competition, the teams were awarded in nominations. According to them:
1. Faculty of International Economics and Management – “For the best historical performance”;
2. Faculty of International Relations – “For the best glorification of national traditions and values”;
3. Faculty of International Law – “For the best stage interpretation of an actual topic”;
4. The nomination “Best Performance” was awarded to the scene “Adolat elchilari” of the Faculty of International Law with the performance “For Happiness”.
Also awarded “For the best male role” - student of the first year of the faculty of international economics and management Sharipov Muhammadumar and “For the best female role” - student of the third year of the faculty of international law Ismoilova Munira.
This cultural and creative event served not only to identify the creative abilities of university students, increase their interest in art and culture, but also to enrich their spirituality, form high moral qualities.