A Career Day was organized at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy
A Career Day was organized at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy

On May 19th, the University of World Economy and Diplomacy (UWED), with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other leading ministries and departments of Uzbekistan, organized a Career Day (Job Fair) with the participation of the country's largest employers.
The main purpose of this event is to assist students and graduates of the university in finding employment, as well as to assist employer companies in the selection of qualified promising young professionals.
The event has been being held by UWED for several years, during which representatives of state organizations and private businesses can select specialists among the graduates and students of the university for their possible employment.
“The mission of our university is to prepare highly professional personnel in demand in many sectors of our country. The annual Career Day provides an opportunity for students and employers to get to know each other, form preliminary opinions and exchange contact details. In the future, interested parties can negotiate conditions and resolve issues on the employment of graduates,” said Sodyq Safoev, rector of the university, opening the event.
At the event representetives from over 75 organizations attented, including ministries and departments, state concerns, manufacturing enterprises, consulting and audit firms, commercial banks, insurance and telecommunications companies. Among them, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Investments, Industry and Trade, the Ministry of Justice, the Central Bank, MITSA, “Uzavtomotors”, “Artel”, “Coca-Cola Ichimligi Uzbekistan Ltd”, “Veolia Energy Tashkent”, “UzCard”, “SOF group” and other.
The event was sponsored by the UWED Alumni Association and the Uzbek-Chinese “Сhinwakil LLC”.
As part of the event, a job fair was also organized, during which invited representatives of organizations and institutions acquainted graduates and students of the university with the benefits and conditions of work in their companies, as well as staffing needs for temporary and permanent employment.
As a result of this "Career Day", many graduates received invitations for interviews with employers, and a number of companies interested in training highly qualified labor personnel agreed to establish mutually beneficial cooperation with the university.