UWED discussed ways to combat crime and drug addiction among young people

UWED discussed ways to combat crime and drug addiction among young people

    UWED discussed ways to combat crime and drug addiction among young people

    UWED discussed ways to combat crime and drug addiction among young people

    On March 20 of this year, the University of World Economy and Diplomacy hosted an educational event on the topic "Effective ways to eliminate problems that negatively affect the spiritual and moral state of young people, such as crime, drug addiction and immorality."

    The event was attended by Ulugbek Choriev, inspector of the Department for Combating Crime in the Sphere of Information Technology of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of Tashkent, Kuvondik Kurbanbaev, head of the Department of the Department for Ensuring Safe Tourism of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of Tashkent, as well as UWED faculty and students.

    The main goal of the event was to warn young people about crime, drug addiction, immorality and other negative phenomena, as well as to promote a healthy and socially useful lifestyle.

    During the meeting, special attention was paid to the issues of combating drug addiction, forming moral education and promoting a healthy lifestyle.

    The event included open dialogues with students, during which experts answered their questions. First-year students of the Faculty of International Economics and Management, who took part in the educational and practical event on drug addiction prevention as volunteers, were awarded letters of gratitude from the university administration. Such educational events play an important role in strengthening the spiritual education of young people and protecting them from various dangers.