UWED was visited by the head of the Syracuse University (USA) Legal Clinic

UWED was visited by the head of the Syracuse University (USA) Legal Clinic

    UWED was visited by the head of the Syracuse University (USA) Legal Clinic

    UWED was visited by the head of the Syracuse University (USA) Legal Clinic

    Professor Michael Schwartz, Director of the Disability Law Clinic at Syracuse University (USA), visited the University of World Economy and Diplomacy.

    During his visit, Professor Schwartz familiarized himself with the activities of the UWED Legal Clinic, which initiated his trip to Tashkent. He spoke in detail about his scientific, teaching, and social activities.

    After exchanging experiences, the legal clinics of UWED and Syracuse University outlined plans for cooperation in the field of protecting the rights of people with disabilities.

               In addition to UWED, Michael Schwartz held meetings at other universities, as well as at the High School of Judges and the Association of Disabled People of Uzbekistan.