UWED discussed the role of intellectual property law in the national legal system
UWED discussed the role of intellectual property law in the national legal system

On February 19 this year, the University of World Economy and Diplomacy within the framework of the month "No counterfeit" held a master class on “The Role of Intellectual Property Law in the National Legal System”.
The master class was attended by Kamoliddin Zaribov and Shahriyor Olimov of the Department of Intellectual Property under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan, members of the Department of Civil Law and International Private Law Disciplines, as well as master's students of Business Law at the Faculty of International Law.
In the course of the master class, the Department's staff reviewed in detail the system of intellectual property law of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the legal protection of industrial property and copyright, the procedure for obtaining a certificate for industrial property objects, as well as the procedure for bringing guilty persons for violation of intellectual property legislation to civil, administrative and criminal liability.
At the conclusion, were discussed topical issues of improving the basic institutions of intellectual property law in the Republic of Uzbekistan.