UWED hosted an informational and educational event as part of the “Safe and Healthy Capital” month
UWED hosted an informational and educational event as part of the “Safe and Healthy Capital” month

On January 27 of this year, an informational and educational event was held at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy as part of the month "Safe and Healthy Capital".
It was attended by the Deputy Director of the National Center for Drug Control under the Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan - Kayumov Shavket Rustamovich, the head of the department Gulomov Shukhratjon Bakhodirovich, the head of the department for coordinating the activities of the internal affairs bodies of the Mirzo-Ulugbek district Lieutenant Colonel Mirzaraimov Sardor Tokhirovich, as well as the faculty and students of UWED.
Speaking at the event, responsible officials noted the increase in the consumption of narcotic, psychotropic and potent substances among modern youth. Then follow the crimes committed by them, the negative consequences of drug addiction and the fact that some young people are ruining their future under the influence of this vice.
In conclusion, it was noted that the fight against drug addiction must be made a nationwide movement, the role of legal protection in this area must be further strengthened, and punishment for those who commit this crime must be toughened.
As part of the event, experts also gave detailed answers to questions from participants.