UWED discussed issues of application of legislation in the field of labor law
UWED discussed issues of application of legislation in the field of labor law

On December 20 of this year, the University of World Economy and Diplomacy held an educational and methodological seminar on the topic of "Resolution of Labor Disputes".
It was attended by lawyers, members of the Legal Clinic, as well as the faculty of the Department of "Civil Law and International Private Law Disciplines".
During the event, current issues of applying legislation in the field of labor law were considered. Particular attention was paid to such important aspects as illegal termination of an employment contract with employees, systematic and gross violations by employees of their labor duties, as well as pension issues and the procedure for calculating them. A detailed analysis of these topics and their legal consequences allowed the participants to better understand the complex aspects of legislation in this area and become familiar with modern methods of resolving labor conflicts.
The speakers shared their practical experience, reviewed the latest changes in labor legislation and analyzed real cases, thereby forming a holistic and up-to-date understanding of law enforcement practice in students. Following the seminar, the participants discussed key areas for improving skills in resolving labor disputes and developed recommendations aimed at further improving the quality of training of future specialists.