A new academic year has begun at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy
A new academic year has begun at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy
On September 9 of this year, a ceremonial event dedicated to the beginning of the new academic year and the meeting of first-year students was held at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy under the slogan "Bir bo'lsak — yagona xalqmiz, birlashsak — Vatanmiz".
First Deputy Chairman of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis, Rector of UWED Sodyq Safoyev congratulated the faculty, students and the entire staff of the university on the beginning of the new academic year.
He especially noted that in the New Uzbekistan, priority attention is given to the education of young people. The growing number of universities allows more and more young people to realize their dreams of obtaining higher education.
S. Safoyev emphasized that the best of the best became new students of UWED and wished them successful studies and the achievement of all their goals.
The speeches of the students who entered the university with the highest scores were filled with excitement and joy.
The ceremonial event ended with a performance by the military orchestra and students of the Academy of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan.