Rector of UWED held a meeting with youth

Rector of UWED held a meeting with youth

    Rector of UWED held a meeting with youth

    Rector of UWED held a meeting with youth

    As part of the implementation of the State program for the implementation of the Strategy "Uzbekistan - 2030" in the Year of Support for Youth and Business, approved by the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of March 20, 2024 No. 30/1-2003 for the heads of local executive authorities and higher educational institutions determined to consolidate youth in the “difficult” category.

    On August 13 of this year, the First Deputy Chairman of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis, Rector of UWED Sodyq Safoyev met with a group of young people who are in a difficult life situation.

    The purpose of the meeting was to learn the problems of young people and an open conversation was held to provide practical help in solving them.

     During the conversation, S. Safoyev emphasized that the reforms implemented in the field of education in our country are primarily aimed at supporting young people and that great work is being done in this regard. At the same time, the young generation should appreciate the opportunities that are being created, and should use all their efforts to achieve success in life.

    "Let's move forward together. We are always ready to lend a helping hand and support you as much as we can," said the Rector of UWED.

    In turn, the First Vice-Rector for youth issues and Spiritual and Educational Affairs O. Yusupdjanov encouraged young people to intensively study foreign languages, master the professions that are in high demand in the labor market and use their free time effectively.

    At the meeting with the leadership of UWED, young people received answers to many questions that they were interested in, and a program of future cooperation aimed at supporting this category of young people was determined.