A meeting was held at UWED with representatives of the National Legal Information Center “Adolat”

A meeting was held at UWED with representatives of the National Legal Information Center “Adolat”

    A meeting was held at UWED with representatives of the National Legal Information Center “Adolat”

    A meeting was held at UWED with representatives of the National Legal Information Center “Adolat”


    On May 22 of this year, the University of World Economy and Diplomacy was visited by the leadership of the National Legal Information Center “Adolat”, headed by the director, UWED graduate Akbar Musayev.

    At the meeting with the first vice-rector for academic affairs of UWED Akram Umarov, a detailed discussion of the prospects for cooperation in various areas took place.

    The possibilities of organizational and technical interaction in the field of educational and methodological work, issues of joint preparation of textbooks and commentaries on current regulatory documents aimed at improving the legal culture of the population of our country were considered. It is proposed to introduce an offline system at the University of National Legislative Information (www.lex.uz). Agreements were also reached on a number of other aspects of interest for practical partnership.