A court session was held at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy
A court session was held at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy

On May 16 of this year, a court hearing was held at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy, chaired by the criminal judge of the district court of the Mirzo-Ulugbek district, S. Abduganiev.
The trial was attended by the First vice-rector for Youth issues and spiritual and educational work O. Yusufzhanov, the director of the “Legal Clinic at UWED” Z. Ubaydullaev, the court secretary, the prosecutor, the defendant, lawyer and students of the Faculty of International Law of UWED.
During the court hearing, a criminal case was considered against a person who committed a crime specified in Part 1 of Article 276 of the Criminal Code: “Illegal production, acquisition, storage and other actions for the purpose of transferring narcotic drugs, their analogues or psychotropic substances”.
UWED students became familiar with the stages of the trial, general information on the case, and local trial practice. In this case, the necessary information was given on aggravating and mitigating circumstances, which, along with enriching theoretical knowledge with practical skills, contributed to the formation of students' immunity to this type of crime. Before pronouncing the sentence, the judge decided to find out the audience's opinion on the sentencing. At the end of the process, students received answers to their questions.