“Open Doors Day” was held at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy
“Open Doors Day” was held at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy

On May 18 of this year, the traditional “Open Doors Day” was held at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy. This event was an excellent opportunity for applicants and their parents to get to know the university better, learn about educational programs, admission conditions and student life.
Students from secondary schools, colleges and lyceums in Tashkent took part in the event.
First Vice-Rector for youth issues and spiritual educational affairs of UWED O. Yusupdjanov, addressing the guests, noted that UWED is one of the leading higher education institutions in the country, training highly professional personnel in the field of foreign policy, law and economics. The university provides all the conditions for obtaining the necessary knowledge for future professional activities.
During the event, information was provided about the activities of the university, its structure, conditions, curriculum, achievements and future plans. The deans of the faculties spoke about educational programs, features of training and employment prospects for graduates. They also answered all questions of interest to future students.
Then the UWED guests took an introductory tour of the university premises, toured the educational buildings, classrooms, and visited the library and sports complex.
In conclusion, the UWED student council made a presentation about its activities.