- Delivery mode:Classroom
- Study mode:Full time
- Duration:Three years
- Start date:September 2022
- Application deadline:26 January 2022
Direction description
08.00.03 - the program of entrance exams for the main doctorate in the specialty "Management" is aimed at assessing applicants' basic knowledge, modern concepts in the field of management, including management analysis and diagnostic skills, modern methods of solving them, in a specific economic situation is the ability to solve management problems. The program contains course topics and questions, cases, as well as a list of recommended literature for exam preparation.
In the conditions of the transition of the economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the innovative path of development, it is becoming urgent to adapt to the dynamics of the external environment, to search for new forms and methods of management that allow for the rational use of production, and to increase market potential, increase competitive advantages and, on this basis, create real conditions creating conditions, ensuring strategic stability. This is also emphasized in the development strategy of New Uzbekistan for 2022-2026, in which "the introduction of modern international standards and corporate management methods, strengthening the role of shareholders in the development of society is important." It is also mentioned in the priorities of economic development and liberalization.