
Scientific Council

    19Ismailova Gulnoza Saydiganikhodjayevna1980Юридик фанлар доктори 12.00.02.- Конституциявий ҳуқуқ. Маъмурий ҳуқуқ. Молия ва божхона ҳуқуқиVice-Rector for Scientific Affairs and Innovations of UWED
    20Khamedov Isa Akhlimanovich1952Юридик фанлар доктори 12.00.01 –давлат ва ҳуқуқ назарияси ва тарихи; сиёсий ва ҳуқуқий таълимотлар тарихиProfessor of the Department of International Law and Public Legal Sciences of UWED
    21Mirhamidova Mahinnora Nurullayevna1952юридик фанлар фалсафа доктори 12.00.10- Халқаро ҳуқуқAssociate Professor of the Department of International Law and Public Legal Sciences of UWED
    22Adilkhodjayeva Surayyo Makhkamovna1964Юридик фанлар доктори 12.00.01 –давлат ва ҳуқуқ назарияси ва тарихи; сиёсий ва ҳуқуқий таълимотлар тарихиUWED, head of the department
    23Bobokulov Inomjon Ibragimovich1970юридик фанлар доктори 12.00.10- Халқаро ҳуқуқHigher school of strategic analysis and perspective setting, head of the department, doctor of legal sciences
    24Mukhitdinova Farruxa Fakhriddinovna1955Юридик фанлар доктори 12.00.01Professor of the Higher School of Judges under the Supreme Council of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Legal Sciences
    25Nugmanov Nugman Abdullayevich1976юридик фанлар доктори 12.00.10- Халқаро ҳуқуқProfessor of the Department of International Law and Public Legal Sciences of JIDU
    26Rashidov Komil Kayumovich1965Юридк фанлар доктори 12.00.03 – фуқаролик ҳуқуқи, тадбиркорлик ҳуқуқи, оила ҳуқуқи, халқаро хусусий ҳуқуқHead of the Contract-Law Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
    27Saidova Lola Abduvikhidovna1962юридик фанлар доктори 12.00.10- Халқаро ҳуқуқCenter for legal professional development, professor of the department, doctor of legal sciences
    28Sulaymonov Odil1981юридик фанлар доктори 12.00.10- Халқаро ҳуқуқDeputy Director for Scientific Affairs of the Institute of State and Law of the Academy of Sciences
    29Khamrayev Anvar Akhmadaliyevich1972Юридк фанлар доктори 12.00.01 –давлат ва ҳуқуқ назарияси ва тарихи; сиёсий ва ҳуқуқий таълимотлар тарихиDeputy General Director of Petromaruz Uzbekistan Foreign Enterprise
    30Eshmatova Feruza Farkhadovna1979юридик фанлар доктори 12.00.10- Халқаро ҳуқуқRepresentative of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Human Rights (Ombudsman)
    31Yuldasheva Govkherjan1958юридик фанлар доктори 12.00.10- Халқаро ҳуқуқProfessor of the Department of International Law and Human Rights, Tashkent State Law University