Azizakhon Aminova

Azizakhon Aminova

    Azizakhon Aminova

    Azizakhon Aminova

    Senior Teacher

    Department of Civil Law and International Private Law Disciplines


    Uzbek, English, Russian


    International Private law

    Corporate law

    Family law

    Biography Facts

    Azizakhon Aminova is a senior teacher on the Faculty of International Law at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy.

    From 2011 to the present, Azizakhon has been working as a teacher, senior teacher at the Department of Civil Law and International Private Law Studies of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy. In addition, Azizakhon has background and working experience at legal departments of Center for Coordination and Development of Securities Market (CSM) and National Exhibition Company JSC "Uzexpocentre".

    Azizakhon holds both her Bachelor’s degree in International Law (with honours) as well as Master’s degree in international Law from the University of World Economy and Diplomacy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan. From 2007 to 2011 she studied in the Postgraduate program of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy


    Articles and Book Chapters





    "The role of international organizations in the regulation of the securities market", Stock Exchange – Expert Journal, No. 5 Tashkent, 2012

    "Problems and perspectives of training qualified personnel for the securities market", "Esh avlod-kadrlar tayerlash milliy dasturini amalga oshiruvchi asosiy kuch" Scientific and Practical Conference Proceedings, UWED, Tashkent, 2011

    "The development experience of  self-regulation institutions in the stock market", Scientific and practical journal "Market, Money and Loan", No. 11 Tashkent, 2007

    "The procedure for registering import contracts with authorized bodies", Scientific and Practical Conference Proceedings on the topic: "The place and role of the Republic of Uzbekistan in modern international relations", UWED, Tashkent, 2006

    "The procedure for concluding import contracts using electronic communication", Scientific and Practical Conference Proceedings on the topic: "Problems of modernization and democratization in the Republic of Uzbekistan", UWED, Tashkent, 2004.