Imamova Dilfuza Ismailovna

Imamova Dilfuza Ismailovna

    Imamova Dilfuza Ismailovna

    Imamova Dilfuza Ismailovna

    Professor, Department of Civil Law and Private International Law


    English, Russian, Uzbek, Korean


    ·         Private International Law

    ·         International commercial law

    ·         International commercial transactions

    ·         International Commercial Arbitration

    ·         International Transport Law

    ·         Comparative Contract Law

    ·         Civil and Commercial Law of Foreign Countries

    ·         Foreign economic transactions

    ·         INCOTERMS

    ·         International Investment Law

    ·         Business Law

    ·         Civil Law

    ·         Civil procedure

    ·         Labour law

    ·         Banking law

    Biography Facts

    Imamova Dilfuza is a Professor of the Department, PhD in Law, Associate Professor. She teaches subjects Private International Law, International Transport Law, Civil and Commercial Law of Foreign Countries, International Commercial Transactions, International Commercial Law, International Commercial Arbitration.

    She graduated from Tashkent State Institute of Law with a bachelor's degree in 2007, a master's degree in 2009, and a postgraduate degree in 2012.

    She has more than 80 scientific works, including more than 20 articles published in foreign journals, 3 monographs and 2 textbooks. She is a frequent speaker at national and international conferences on private international law and other private law disciplines.

    She acts as a coach for the University team for the Vis Moot international competition in international commercial arbitration.

    She is a member of the working group for improvement of the civil legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, namely the Civil Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan and drafting the Code of Private International Law.