Dustov Uchkun Rahimovich

Dustov Uchkun Rahimovich

    Dustov Uchkun Rahimovich

    Dustov Uchkun Rahimovich


    Biography Facts

    Since 1998, he has been working at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy in various positions (teacher, senior teacher, deputy dean, dean, director of the Academic Lyceum, etc., head of the educational and methodological department, associate professor, etc.).
    U. Dostov graduated from the Academy of State and Society Construction under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, received a master's degree in international relations in 2000, and a candidate's degree in political sciences in UWED in 2009. Since 2016, he has been conducting scientific research at the Department of Political Science of UWED on the topic of "PRC-US relations at the beginning of the 21st century". One monograph and more than 20 scientific articles have been published.
    He studied at foreign higher education institutions, in particular at Istanbul (Turkey) University's bachelor's degree. Also at the universities of Toulouse (France), Kemyung (Republic of Korea), Giessen (Germany), London Metropolitan (Great Britain), Jinan (Guangzhou-China), Washington (USA), Cairo Diplomatic Academy (Egypt) and Higher School of Economics (Czech Republic). internship has passed.
    He communicates fluently in French, English, Turkish and Russian.